Love them both...played em & some of em I keep them s'pcially the classic ones, but most of the time or 95.5% of the time - I trade my old games
w/ new ones & thru that I can save top $$$. Yesterday I went to my favorite EB Games store @ my locality; To my horror the sales rep said
"Dude, we no
longer accepting PC Games for trade, only consoles." The game I want to trade was Call of Duty 2, in which IMHO the 1st installment was better.
As for the time being my RIG handles perfectly in todays games & I was plannning to make major upgrades (SLi 7800 GTX) on my Rig on December;
but w/ this policy they have - I change my mind! I am looking forward this Nov. 22 2005. I'll be requesting a leave on that day so that I'll have the
whole day looking for an X-Box 360 coz stocks of X-box 360 @ EB Games are already sold out for pre-order. I'll be bright & early @ the gates of Best Buy,
Circuit City ,Fye, Sears or even Walmart.
From now on my PC will be Applications only - no more games.
When the PS3 Launches by Spring 2006...I'll be bright & Early as well.