Indeed pls read the quran and the hadiths and youll know that this is not accurate.
Its time to tell the truth and put this into the right perspective.
The pre islamic arab tribes were pagans,as pagans they practice pecuilar rituals,paganism was a booming commerce during that time. The sincere pagans were exploited by the merchandising brain of the wiser pagans and they're the ones who got richer and controlled the system. Arabs were the worse gamblers,it is said that when a pregnant woman passes by they will spend out money and bet if the child inside is a boy or a girl and when the bet is set they will drag the pregnant women and cut her womb then the unborn child is taken out and subjected for examination to find out if its a boy or a girl. Some also practiced murdering female babies for the obvious reason that men were more important than women for men will be useful for tribal supremacy.
Muhammd(SAW) received a message from Allah to preach the truth about God as being one and a spirit, this message is a direct htreat to paganism for pagans believe in polytheism and idolatry. This is also a direct threat to the booming business of the richer pagan for they control the business inside mecca whose main customers and traders were pagans. Muhammad started to gained followers at first he was very hesitant but when god told him to go out pubicly and announced the message,he obeyed inspite of the dangers he is going to face. The controlling tribes asked him to stop spreading the message of islam,they offered him wealth and a position in the business heirarchy but Muhammd refused. The tribal leaders were mad and started persecuting the followers of Islam and eventually it led to harsher persecution like killing its members. Then the tribal leaders started attacking the muslims so they resorted to live for madinah but the persecutors followed them there. What else is there left for muslims? they must fight or else they will be eliminated. That started the Physical Jihad of the muslims headed by the Prophet Muhammad. Thus the verse Fight them in the cause of Allah,not your own personal cause but for God. and what is the cause of Allah? Islam must be preach.
The pre-islamic arab were honest in their dealings w/ other people and chivalrous towards their enemy? this is not true. They practice the tribal laws. Not all women only the ones belong to the ruling tribe and its allies were favored but the common women were treated harshly.
The women of islam today also presides over big businesses and enjoys a higher percentage of ownership in muslim countries. They also took part in public debates and poetic contests. But we dont want to expose our woman by going out alone,they need protection. Millionaires in Western countries pays hundreds if not thousands of dollars for body guards, in some muslim countires you got it for free. How many women wished that they were accompanied by their brother or by their father? The veil already existed even before islam and the women who were wearing it where royalty,its part of their dress code,its part of their fashion. Islam use it for modesty.
it is worth to say here that Muhammad was not yet a prophet when he married khadijah.
If only they(the pagan ruling tribe and their allies) allowed The Prophet and the muslims to practiced their religion freely and grant them freedom to preach islam then the WAR could had been avoided.
They(pagan ruling tribes) attacked first and formed alliance in other states with an order to eliminate Islam, The muslims only responded.
What Islam did was it gave these people a code of life to live by,tribalism were destroyed, fear of being attacked anytime by other tribes were dissolved,killing of female babies were stopped,gambling for the gender of the unborn child ceased.
The non-combatants were spared, the defeated state and its people who did not embrace islam were given equal treatment read it in the quran its all there.
Islam has nothing to hide.
There are 1.something billions of Muslims in the whole world and it is still the fastest growing religion of the world and most of its converts are women.
USA and other western countries profited from the oil in muslim countries, some greedy politicans would even desire to control islamic countries for oil and they will do everything to get it,even sponsporing insurgencies.
Islamic countries are host of millions of Filipino earning money to support their family here, their earnings(OFW remittance) from these VIOLENT? muslims have help this country survive.
of course there are cases of abuse but the percentage is not alarming the fact that we are still sending OFW's to these countries.
anyways i hope that the person responsible for this article w/c tribu copy pasted or copied from was here to read this post of mine.
nya ngano man lagi nagpait man ang atong mga OFW sa Middle East sa ilang mga abusadong amo nga mga MUSLIM? mga filipino nurse luguson...
tsk tsk tsk tsk!![]()
The problem with other people bai is they copy paste.then absence of proper investigation will always lead them to confusion of what reality is.
one has pre conceived notion of what islam is...saw a thread about islam...doesnt like what he saw because muslims are being portrayed as peaceful google...typed words like terrorism n violence in a good hit...alas he/she thinks she found the stuff that would destroy islam...hehehe...then pretends that he/she knows it all...he/she thinks he got it all figured out.
your heart is beating with hate...typed hateful words... what do you get?...words that will give you a proper understanding of what islam is? of course not.
Sura (2:244) - "Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things."
Sura (4:76) - "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…"
proud kaayo sa ilang pagtulun an oi...![]()
pero dili jud ka makalimod sa reality bai. ang reality nalang ang mutubag kung unsang klase nang inyong religion. cge mog ingon peace inyong religion pero inig tan aw nato sa atong palibot pirti diayng gubuta. kamo kamo raman gani nag unay unay raman mo.
wala pa jud ko nakabalita nga na peaceful mo. sa baba cguro "peace" pirmi ang hisgutan pero ang reality wala makita...
tsk tsk tsk!![]()
Bismillah ar' rahman ir rahim...
Alhamdullilahi rabbil alameen...
As-hadu an la ilaha illa la wa as hadu an na Muhammad rasul'allah.
allahu akbar!!!!
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