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  1. #51

    Default Re: Legislated wage increase--- laban bawi scheme

    if talking bout the philippine politics di na jud na ma usab in ana na jud na sila...kay sila ra man gihapon na mag sabot2x di bahh anak sa congressman nga kurakot mo lansar.. ang apo mo lansar... kong ma minyo ang minyo-an na-a gihapon sa politics... tan awa ra gud ng mga tarong dha kong naka da-og bahh..wla jud... ang nahitabo man gud ning aton politika mura og starstruck...hehehe..pasikitay lang... ma ayo to-od ka di ka kay mga ma ayong plano di man pod ka maka da-og kay wa man kay supporters..

    mas ma ayo pa laing nasod nalang ang mo duma-a ning atong governo...

    kong mo ingon tag na-a pa bay pag asa ang philippines? na-a? yeah na sa mactan.. maypang mactan na-a pay pag asa.. hehehe..

    bitaw seriously..common sense nalang bahh.. lets not hope that government will help us... the main problem here is we individuals..coz kong wala pa ta ni votar ana nila.. di mana sila ma butang anang ilang pwesto karon... maybe kong wala pa ta taga-e og independence sa mga amerikano im sure lahi ang dagan sa atong life style karon...

    so kay nahitabo naman.. nag buhat man tag atong kaugilongong goberno.. accept the reality. that this is it.. i know this is not what we want... but what else can we do? as far as i know.. 80s naman kog nakat-on og o ning pang hitabo-a akong na matngonan... kudeta ni grenggo hunasan.. gipatay si ninoy...nag martial law si marcos.. gipa impeach si erap.. edsa3..NPA vs government.. MILF vs government.. ABU Sayaf vs. government..
    wa pa mo kapoyi aning pang hitabo-a? mangapo nalang cguro ta in ana gihapon ang dagan sa history sa atong nasod..

    i know deli lang ang pilipinas nag suffer ana nga problemaha..but u yourself can u help our government to solve that problem? what can u offer?

    go with the NPA...and help your fellows? on what way? go with the people whos marching on the street to ousted GMA? sign for signature campaign?

    how many times weve been doing that system? how many lives lost..for joining NPA and go to war with PHIL.ARMY. how many indivdiuals and policemen has injured everytime when theres a rally?

    is this the way we want to solve the problem we are facing today?

    EVAT vs. NPA/Rally/Signautre Campaing

    think of it....

  2. #52

    Default Re: Legislated wage increase--- laban bawi scheme

    We go federal

  3. #53

    Default Re: Legislated wage increase--- laban bawi scheme

    Quote Originally Posted by buloi123
    tungod sa atung politiko nga hugaw pas tae!
    Ang tae, maski unsaon ug tanaw, makita nato klaro na tae.

    Ang politiko, maski unsaon nimo pagbali2x ug tanaw, d jud ka kita sa iyang tinuod na pagkatao.

    So, in a figurative way, sakto jud ka na mas limpyo pa ang tae

  4. #54

    Default Re: Legislated wage increase--- laban bawi scheme

    Quote Originally Posted by monrose29
    bitaw seriously..common sense nalang bahh.. lets not hope that government will help us... the main problem here is we individuals..coz kong wala pa ta ni votar ana nila.. di mana sila ma butang anang ilang pwesto karon... maybe kong wala pa ta taga-e og independence sa mga amerikano im sure lahi ang dagan sa atong life style karon...
    korek! isig usa nato, mapobre ug madatu, ana juy kalabutan aning tanan. if we want change then it must start from each one of us. giunsa man na pag-lingkod ni GMA sa iyang pwestro ron, di ba pinaagi sa eleksyon? if we vote for the right people to govern this nation maayo unta atong kinabuhi diri ron.
    nuon, niugat nasad ning political dynasty sa atoa. but still, naa ra japun na nato og magpatonto ta aning mga tawhana.
    we've fought and won our democracy, ato tang gamiton sa tarong, dili lang sa pasagad, sama sa pagrally sa walay ayong hinungdan.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Legislated wage increase--- laban bawi scheme

    have anyone heard of the term concerted effort? how about "individualism"?

    While it is true that change should emanate from ourselves, we can't deny as well the fact that it is futile if we remain to be detached from the efforts from others.

    There's no point of denying that our political system of today treads on a very degrading path...There's no point of being blind to what our politicians have been doing...Yet, is it not a fact that we still need the government to superintend our economy and laws?

    My point is, our efforts should not be kept just to ourselves. I mean there should be at least an other direction aside from freeing ourselves from hardships. I mean if supporting E-VAt would be a way of helping our government, then why not cooperate?

    This way, at least on my end, we can help our country.

    Let me leave this:

    Think not what your country can do for you, but think what you can do for your country.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Legislated wage increase--- laban bawi scheme

    Wage increase:

    I hope that the COLA would soon be ok. Usa ko ana nga beneficiary.

    I think, sa akong point of view lang ha...

    One way of making the take home pay bigger kay i-adjust sa BIR ang income nga dapat naay buhis. Income at poverty level or even below 8,000 should not be subjected to TAX. Unta lang. Naa na bita'y EVAT.

    Am I making sense? Kinsay taga-BIR?

  7. #57

    Default Re: Legislated wage increase--- laban bawi scheme

    Quote Originally Posted by ichor_82283

    Think not what your country can do for you, but think what you can do for your country.
    exactly! :mrgreen:

  8. #58

    Default Re: Legislated wage increase--- laban bawi scheme

    another thing...

    kining mga ni reklamo karon.. bahhh sa wala pa unta na gi approve ang e-vat na ngusog na unta na sila og ma ayo nga di jud ma approban.... karon na hino on nga na pirmihan nahh... grabe ilang reklamo.... samot no on kasamok..

  9. #59

    Default Re: Legislated wage increase--- laban bawi scheme

    sakto! ka ron na nuon nga balaud na

  10. #60

    Default Re: Legislated wage increase--- laban bawi scheme

    hina man gud ta.. f magwild pa unta ta.. just once.. whole nation.. wagtang lagi ng evat og c gma.. but people are working to keep there jobs rather going to the streets to protest.. magkanya2x man gud og rally.. strike sa manila ang taga cebu dili mo join.. magstrike dri cebu ang taga manila dili mo join.. tsk tsk tsk..

  11.    Advertisement

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