pics palihug bro..
Bettas are gorgeous if you see them personally. he.he.. bati au kuha
as of now, you can see already their potentials as Copper Crowntails. They look gorgeous already at 2months. They look even more gorgeous if you look at them closer.
Knsay pa reserve sa fries?? You can contact me at 0922-9684418(sun) for smart( 09185316881)
Look for josh.
Location: Inayawan Cebu City.(meets up is fine, preferred place at manalili)
Betta keeping is indeed a good hobby. It doesn't need any aerator or peebles, or large aquarium. It just needs your time and passion.Frequent water change is one of the key elements to make your betta in good shape(probably twice or thrice a week is fine), and giving them live foods for their nutrition. Talisay leaves as what master roy always told us that it is one of the factors that encourage bettas to breed and it also protects them from fungi infection.
k2 ng ask ni roy, nga wa ni bubbles, based on my experience, he.he 2months kapin pko ani, probably na stress xa, or d xa used sa iyang environment, put some talisay leaves on the betta tank and a pinch of rock salt will do. Based on my observation pd, when i placed a talisay leaves on the betta tank, the male betta produced lots of bubbles as if its the end of his world. he.he...Gamit jd ang talisay leaves, if wla mu ani sa inyuha, pa aged water na lng with rock salt.
Happy Betta Keeping everyone!!!Good day><
thanx for the up master....he.he...
pa reserve na..betta is a good gift for christmas. Order now while it's hot. just contact me at 09229684418(sun0 or 09185316881(smart)
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