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  1. #1

    Default laptop not detecting USB mouse

    hallo guys,

    im having problems with my laptop lately, i havent used it for a while...

    then suddenly my laptop is not detecting my wireless usb mouse.. i tried the mouse on my desktop and its working fine... i tried testing for the usb port by inserting usb thumb drive and its detecting it... i dont know whats going on here can someone help me out please?

    btw. my OS is vista home (free from the purchase of the laptop)

    I already tried system restore

  2. #2
    same problem here...tsk!tsk!

  3. #3
    maybe dili compatible ang mouse sa imo laptop.. or ang mouse dili puede vista? or imong vista murag na set na dili mo-detect ug usb human interface devices?.. naa ra ana tali..

  4. #4
    compatibility issues mostly. just read the system requirements for your wireless usb mouse.

  5. #5
    I think its not the compatibility issue as the @TS says coz he was using that a while but suddenly its not working. So meaning its in the software problem or driver or you maybe infected by virus or maybe you have disabled the wireless features or something. The best thing you do is REFORMAT to see if your LAPTOP is not messing up!

  6. #6
    have you try checking it out in device manager? check it there if it recognize in your system. otherwise, some drivers needed to be re-install.

  7. #7
    have you tried reinstalling the mouse drivers? if you did and it is still not detecting then try to reformat your computer and install the drivers for your mouse. Check first if it works before installing the other programs since it might also be issues with conflict with other programs

  8. #8
    What's the model and brand of the mouse... Try to check you system requirements...
    Maybe naa sad ka software diha na dili compatible with your mouse driver...

  9. #9
    mouse shouldnt need a driver cause its a plug and play device.

    but i got it solved... it turns out i inserted it the other way around (stupid3x!) hahaha.
    i got the notion in computers. that if it doesnt fit in the hole then its probably in the wrong way...
    but the case was it badged in correctly, so i didn't notice it. lol. silly me

  10. #10
    other mice devices need drivers. hehe

  11.    Advertisement

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