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  1. #1

    Arrow Laptop battery Repacking

    Mga Great Istoryans i need your help on a good shop or store suggestion that can repack my laptop battery. Repack lang sa kay medyo mahal ang brandnew but kung naa barato orig na brand new laptop bATT okay pud au. ako buget 2.5k ra jud tawon.... Li-Ion Battery ni xa model # BTP-ANJ1 Rated 11.1V 4800mah. Para Acer nga laptop.... I hope naa good samaritan dinha nga mo hatag ug nindot na answers.

    gREETING one and all Happy Christmas, Merry new year and Pit Senyor-Hala Bira.......

  2. #2
    up para kita sa tanan. Salamat sa mo tubag.... please share the knowledge....

  3. #3
    isa ra jud akong ma suggest, try All Batteries. Kindly look it up at the phone directory

  4. #4
    ALL batteries
    elizabeth brian
    shop supervisor
    banilad branch: mandaue branch
    UNit 3 dona carmen bldg.. 422-6836
    231-8611 416-2423

    ga pa re pack ko nila di gihapon magdugay ang lifespan sa battery dali ra ma lowbat. i suggest bro order a replacement battery.. kay brandnew and long lasting.. FYI.. TY

  5. #5
    li-ion battery has sophisticated circuitry built into the battery casing to avoid fire hazard. personally i would not risk my laptop by doing repacks of li-ion batteries. ni-mh may be ok.. but i would not recommend with li-ion. still, it is your decision though.

  6. #6
    Salamat Kaau COMCAM,rockford_fosgate09, and [DSX]. Im greatly humbled sa inyong replies. I already search alot of possible shops that can help me but inyong info mas pinaka helpful mga Masters... ^_^ I already ordered for a new batt. Although mahal but based sa inyo info it would be worth it.... Rock on Istoryans....!!!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by KiMsOnitE View Post
    Salamat Kaau COMCAM,rockford_fosgate09, and [DSX]. Im greatly humbled sa inyong replies. I already search alot of possible shops that can help me but inyong info mas pinaka helpful mga Masters... ^_^ I already ordered for a new batt. Although mahal but based sa inyo info it would be worth it.... Rock on Istoryans....!!!

    Your welcome brod,, wer man ka nga order? All bat/?

  8. #8
    hw many weeks moabot ang order?
    Last edited by jblim1980; 11-28-2008 at 06:57 PM. Reason: wrong reply

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