Beside professional hosting you need also "SEO", JNB WebPromotion is the major Philippine SEO firm who offers guaranteed first page results in all major search engines like Yahoo, Google, MSN and more. Top positions are very affordable and same time we offer "money back" guarantee when we would fail to achieve what we promise. But we never fail .
In short, professional hosting and the service from is the way to success.
Check also our site in Dutch, and for our client'slist.
Search engine optimization Philippines
See you,
John Bertrand
Really? Why didn't I received my "money back"? Wasn't even on the top 10 or 1st page position and then you charge me again for another 1 month, when you were'nt able to achieved what you have guaranteed and I have to redo all SEO links that you've made, because there are so many mistakes in their html code. You never deliver the results, and i never received my money back.
This is the email that they've send me
Hello Dexter,
As i have mentioned in my previous email, you pay only for first page results.
We only require to pay the first time number of keyphrases (5). After the next month, if we cannot achieve first page positions, you get your money back.
This gives you 100% guarantee and satisfaction
Best regards,
John Bertrand
And i never received my money back, and now they're charging me for my 2nd month of SEO. hahahahahhaha, in which they've never achieved on their 1st month.
Oh and btw. On what they've did on their so call SEO link. I have to redo all the links that they've made, because they did a very lousy job in doing it. Borders are not the same, images are missing, fonts are not same and so on. And also what they did they just copied the same words from other sites, when they did their SEO, and the words that they've copied from the site is copyscape protected, which is website plagairism.
Don't trust this guy. EVER
My conclusion on their services =
base on first hand experience. = no good, poor customer service.