Don't you know you can help make our world a better place by just simply being online and still enjoy what you normally do with your computer? Yes,
YOU CAN HELP SOLVE many of the world's most urgent problems by simply donating "computer time" instead of money.
The World Community Grid is the world's largest public computing grid that tackle projects against Malnutrition, Cancer, AIDS, Dengue and even Climate Change by helping scientists and researchers get enough computing power to reduce research time from years to months by splitting or distributing information processing simultaneously, thus not only help them generate results faster but also make the whole research more "cost-effective, enabling better use of critical funds."
Recent achievements: "In 2003, with grid computing, in less than three months scientists identified 44 potential treatments to fight the deadly smallpox disease. Without the grid, the work would have taken more than one year to complete."
If you think you can help, please visit
World Community Grid - Home (instructions are all there).
It's my fourth year now being a member and a proud one.
To the Mods, please move where appropriate, thanks.