Last edited by tokidoki_v2.0; 11-18-2008 at 05:19 PM. Reason: double post
I think some parts must be taken in literally when implied so, but a lot of parts need greater understanding in order to comprehend its information.
Your "sacred book" is a "compilation of assumptions" that can't be backed up by proof (there's no such word as "proofs", fyi) by a bunch of ignorant people that intelligent people (that would be you) have SURPRISINGLY tolerated. There are no "Words" to value if they are written by people who just barely came out of the Stone Age.
Again, before mo moyawit siguardua one way na and absolute kai ibalik ra na nako ninyo. I hate hypocrisy and I don't have to read some man-made "religious texts" to do that.
unsa ko? uto-uto?
First, substantiate YOUR book. Since your hypocritically demanding for "proof and evidence".
I'm so sorry, too.... (that na unay napud ka sa imong linya). I don't spoon feed hypocrites. For the amusement of the "non-believers" you can try Penn & Teller's BullS**t Season 2 that scene na gi shotgun ang bible to bits.
No reason to literalize the Bible on a wholesale basis. Sola Scriptura (scripture alone) is old school. Even Catholics natagam before sa kinaraan nga paagi, giliteral man ang pagsabot sa mga texto sa Bibliya. For example, the earth was believed to be the center of the Universe (The Geocentric Doctrine). Biblical basis were: 1 Chronicles 16:30 tremble before him, all earth; yea, the world stands firm, never to be moved. Psalms 104:5 Thou didst set the earth on its foundations, so that it should never be shaken.
Good to know that they have learned their lessons. And glad to have learned their lessons well. Unfortunately, there are still those that are still stuck with Sola Scriptura that it created more than 23,000 "Bible-oriented" denominations today.
Last edited by brownprose; 11-18-2008 at 06:12 PM.
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