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  1. #541

    This the reality of islam. Radical muslims ambition which is islam world domination. Muslims deception, if they say peace, do they really mean peace? kuffar)non-muslim is like a cow. you can sell them or kill them just like that. The main roots of this is the koran and the hadith.
    Radical muslims' inspiration and ideology.

    Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 2, Number 24: Narrated Ibn 'Umar: allah's apostle said: "I have been ORDERED (by allah) to FIGHT against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but allah and that Muhammad is allah's apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives an property from me except for islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by allah."

    koran 09:029 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
    For more information read "Offensive War to Spread Islam" ( il/btv2.html

    Aggressive ambitions by muslims in the U.S.. As reported by the San Ramon Valley Herald, CAIR Chairman Omar M. Ahmad told a crowd of California Muslims in July 1998, "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran . . . should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth
    I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future...But I'm not going to do anything violent to promote that. I'm going to do it through education." - Ibrahim Hooper CAIR Spokesman.
    Are we going to let this happen my fellow american.
    For more information on Al-Muhajiroun.
    NOTE: The persons in this video are not paid actors.

    For latest attrocities and bombing of islam radicals go to:Jihad Watch


  2. #542
    Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 2, Number 24: Narrated Ibn 'Umar: allah's apostle said: "I have been ORDERED (by allah) to FIGHT against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but allah and that Muhammad is allah's apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives an property from me except for islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by allah."

    Quran 09:029 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.


    YouTube - Why islam hate the west(the real reason

    know well what the quran and hadith teaches.

    the words are clear enough for all of you to understand.

    do not let them deceive you into thinking that islam is peace. islam is NOT peace, islam is submission.

    submission to the way of muhamad, the way of the quran and the hadith. islam is death to free thoughts. islam is intolerant. islam do not have respect for anyone who do not acknowledge muhamad as a prophet and allah as their god. islam treats the kufars like cows and calls jews and christians pigs and apes. these are all in the quran and the hadith. read it and educate yourselves. terrorism is written all over the quran and hadith. at least with christianity, the violent verses were already abrogated by the new testament.

    "pluck your eye if it cause you to sins" are for the christians, they are being urge to do it to themselves.

    but with muslims, they're the ones being ordered by muhamad and allah "to pluck the eyes" (to be violent) of those who oppose them instead of doing it to themselves. do you now see the difference?

    the new testament may have some violent verses but one thing good about the new testament is that the adherents are not asked and encouraged to do it to their neighbors, they were being asked and encouraged to do it to themselves. that if they should be harsh, they should be harsh to themselves and not to their neighbors, thus jesus said "whoever had no sin should cast the first stone." i find that consistent to what the whole new testament is saying. to bear the pain without any complain, to accept persecution for jesus' sake. that's what was meant by his words "i come not to bring peace but sword." he brought sword for his believers. they lived and died for him to proclaim love to their neighbors. asa ka anang tamparuson ka, ug ipatamarus ra pud nimo ang pikas. sa mga muslim, naa ba ing-ana na tudlo? wala uy, basaha pa ang nakasulat sa quran ug hadith.

    muslims are different, muhamad and his alter ego allah is telling muslims to:

    Quran 09:029 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.


    Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 2, Number 24: Narrated Ibn 'Umar: allah's apostle said: "I have been ORDERED (by allah) to FIGHT against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but allah and that Muhammad is allah's apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives an property from me except for islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by allah."

    do you know what that mean?

    those verses are saying. SUBDUE THEM! do what you can so everyone will submit to the will of muhamad and his alter ego allah. do anything, deception is even permitted so you would be able to subdue them for muhamad and his alter ego allah.

  3. #543
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightowl View Post

    noted. thanks for answering my question.
    I did not study in an Islamic center. learned things by myself and from someone who is a devout Muslim too.
    He never did tried nor attempted to have me converted. He just showed me Islam from a moderate view.
    It pays to understand a religion. Reasons for my trying to understand other religions is that so I can understand more of mine.

    I am born, raised and would die a Catholic.

    I am also originally from Cebu. kahibalo pa ko mag Cebuano. hehehe

    nice knowing you.

    well nobody is trying to convert anybody here the title of the thread says Second look on Islam not convert to slam, just few haters who are afraid of good muslims and the proper way of understanding Islam. hehe. They seem to have the incapacity to distinguish what is extremism and Real Islam.

    Malooy na lang ko ani nila sir kay they prefer to believe the misrepresentation of Islam and never care to study and compare it with Real Islam. hehe

    They love to repeat what the media said and some anti-islamic sentiments rather than personally fnding it for themselves.

    ingun ani gud sir,say Ireland,gubot kaau ang mga christians didto,tho each group responsible sa kagubot would say that they are christians pero they behave badly because they have an extreme interpretation of the bible BUT as a sane person we dont say that the whole christian countries are BAD.

    but the haters love to genralize and quote out of context quranic verses nga they themselves have no way of knowing how to interpret it the proper way,because for one, they dont know arabic,so they GOOGLE according to what their hate desires and boom found sites and verses propagated by their fellow haters,then upon seeing that,motoo dayun sila nga mao nay proper way of interpreting the verses,LOLZ. then feeleing expertna kaau haha, cguro expert mo google.

    then ganahan na sila mag balik balik,nya mo single out sa sayup. then e generalize dayun tanan.LOLZ

  4. #544
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Fanatics and terrorists misguided
    "America's fight against terrorism is justified by the Quran", says Imam Tammam Adi Ph.D, Director of the Islamic Cultural Center of Eugene, Oregon.

    I will try to show that America's fight against terrorism is justified by the Quran, and that fanatics and terrorists misinterpret the Quran to justify their views.

    Islam's prophet, Muhammad, is a descendant of Abraham. His message, the Quran, confirms the Gospel and the Torah. Its essence is that we should love God above everything and not play God on this earth (Allahu akbar), and also that we should treat all humanity as brothers and sisters.

    According to Shatibi, a 14th century Spanish-Muslim scholar, the Quran outlines a bill of rights. All verses work together to define five rights in this order of priority: religious liberty, right to life, freedom of the mind, social liberty, and, finally, economic liberty.

    In his famous four-volume work "How Things Fit Together in the Roots of Legislation," Shatibi details the proof. He says all religions protect these basic rights - see, for example, the Ten Commandments.

    We find in verses 2:190-193 that the Quran values religious liberty even above the right to life: "... attacking a religious group (fitnah) is more severe than a plain attack (qatl)." These are the first verses revealed that tell Muslims to fight to defend themselves.

    "Jihad" is an Arabic word that means "struggle." It is either military or nonviolent. The verses prescribe when military jihad is allowed. In all other situations, nonviolent jihad (personal and civic struggle) is the only legitimate way to achieve change.

    "Fight in the way of God against those who are fighting you and do not start a fight; God surely dislikes aggressors." Since the verb "fight" is in the plural form, jihad is a collective action based on a political decision by "mutual consultation" (Quran 42:3. No scholar, mullah or religious leader may "declare jihad." The grammar also excludes non-collective military actions such as assassination, sabotage and guerrilla warfare.

    The "way of God" is then defined: "And kill them only in combat clashes, and expel them only from where they expelled you." This outlaws the killing of non-combatants (terrorism), prisoners of war, retreating troops or surrendering soldiers. It also prohibits overreaching into enemy territory in the course of liberating a country.

    "And fight them until there are no more attacks against religious groups and all religious authority is God's alone" (Quran 2:193).

    Given this clarity in the Quranic presentation of principles, religious fanatics have to use blatant misinterpretations to justify their causes. For example, extremists misinterpret Verse 2:193 to mean "Fight until there is no more polytheism and all submit to the religion of Allah (Islam)." Fanatics replace "kill them only in combat clashes" with "kill them wherever you find them."

    The Arabic language and the context of the verses do not allow this twisting by any stretch of imagination. But in a dictatorship without freedom of speech, such state-sponsored mistranslations can stand unchallenged, and will be confirmed by scholars serving the despots.

    You can recognize misinterpretations by the fact that they contradict other verses or known principles. For example, a common mistranslation of verse 5:51 is "O you who believe, do not take the Jews and Christians as friends (awliya)... ." The right translation is "protectors," not "friends," and it refers to Muslims collaborating with enemies at a time when a specific war was going on, as 5:52 explains.

    Verse 60:8 makes the general relationship between Muslims and others crystal clear: "God does not prohibit you from treating with utmost friendship (birr) and fairness those who have not attacked you because of your religion or expelled you from your homes. God loves the fair ones." The concept of "birr" is the way one should treat parents and relatives.

    The old Romans and Persians targeted Jews and Christians within their empires. Early Muslim armies fought against them to protect targeted religious groups. Muslims did not convert anybody. They remained in their nearby garrisons to assure local self-rule according to the Torah or the Gospel. Muslim "conquests" were called "fat-h," which means "opening" or liberation. Islam spread peacefully. That early Islamic way of life included some cherished values: self-rule, religious freedom and pluralism.

    The Quran blessed this approach: "... and if God did not cause people to defend each other, monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques would have been demolished in which God's name is often remembered" (Quran 22:40). "There should be no coercion in religion" (Quran 2:256).

    Fourteen centuries later, the picture is reversed. Terrorist states in the old world replace the Roman and Persian empires in oppressing people. Governments of many nations with Muslim populations sponsor fanatic organizations that target free-thinking Muslims and call for terrorism against Jews, Christians and others.

    The terrorism of September 11 brought the battle to the United States. We are now in a combat clash with terrorists and the states sponsoring them. The Quran gives us the right to fight "until there are no more attacks on religious groups" here or in any allied countries.

    America's fight against terrorism is not only justified, it is jihad.


    Reprinted with permission. Copyright 2001, The Register-Guard.

    AUTHOR'S UPDATE June 18, 2003:

    I wrote the following article soon after the 9/11 attacks. At the time, I argued that America's response might be considered self defense or "jihad." The passage of time has proved me wrong, given the excesses in Afghanistan and allegations of war crimes, the unprovoked invasion of Iraq, and the unAmerican crackdown on Muslims in the US.

    Tammam Adi Ph.D is the Director of the Islamic Cultural Center of Eugene, Oregon, USA. Originally from Syria, he is a computational linguist specializing in Arabic.<----go to this site tribu sir para ma properly guided ka.


    your source is Danile Pipes,no wonder,lolz

  5. #545
    C.I.A. Malic's Avatar
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    Worldwide Muslim Condemnation of Terrorism
    By Abdullah, 877-WHY-ISLAM Website - Your Resource to Valuable Information on Islam > Introduction Associate

    Prominent Muslim scholars, organizations and movements, representing the vast majority of Muslims worldwide, have repeatedly condemned terrorism, and have spoken out for peace and justice. Following is a very brief list of such open condemnation of terrorism, including statements issued in the wake of the heinous attacks on September 11.

    1. The American Muslim Political Co-ordination Committee (AMPCC), which is a group of major American Muslim organizations, including ICNA (our parent organization), issued a statement on September 11, 2001 condemning the terrorist attacks. The AMPCC statement read in part:

    "American Muslims utterly condemn what are vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians. We join with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No political cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts."

    2. Major American Muslim organizations including the Islamic Circle of North America, are signatories to the following statement released on September 21, 2001.

    American Muslim Response to the September Attacks

    Released September 21, 2001

    We, the undersigned Muslim organizations, support the President and Congress of the U.S. in the struggle against terrorism. Holding to the ideals of both our religion and our country, we condemn all forms of terrorism, and confirm the need for perpetrators of any such acts of violence to be brought to justice, including those who carried out the attacks of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

    At the same time, in the planning of this "war against terrorism," we call upon the President and Congress to reaffirm the values and principles that make this country great, namely that one is innocent until proven guilty, that all accused have the right to a fair trial, that no one be punished for the acts of another, and that respect for human life is supreme, regardless of race or religion. To this end, we urge the U.S. government not to abandon the due process of law in determining responsibility for the attacks and punishing the guilty parties.

    We are saddened by the possibility of military action, as we do not believe that terrorism can be eliminated solely or even effectively through military force. Rather we call upon our leaders to recognize that in order to rid the world of the ugliness of terrorism, our nation must understand its root causes. We hold out the hope that these root causes can be addressed through non-violent means, in a way that promotes peace and harmony between the nations of the world.

    Afghan Muslim Association (Fremont, CA)
    American Muslims for Global Peace and Justice (AMGPJ)
    American Muslims Intent on Learning and Activism (AMILA)
    Arab-American Congress, Council on American-Islamic Relations (Northern California)
    Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Bay Area
    Islamic Networks Group (ING)
    Islamic Society of the East Bay (Union City, CA)
    Islamic Society of San Francisco
    Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) West Zone
    Muslim American Society
    Muslim Community Association (MCA)
    Muslim Peace Fellowship (Nyack, NY)
    South Bay Islamic Association (San Jose, CA)
    Zaytuna Institute (Hayward, CA)

    3. Prominent scholars worldwide have condemned terrorism as a heresy against Islam. The Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar University, the oldest seat of Islamic learning, Sheikh Muhammed Sayyed Tantawi, has repeatedly condemned terrorism. He said in the name of Islamic law, he rejected and condemned the aggression against innocent civilian people, regardless of whatever side, sect or country the aggression came from. Prominent scholars of Saudi Arabia, Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz and Shaykh Uthaimeen, also condemned the terrorist attacks. Every other major scholar of Islam, has come out against the indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians.

    Statements of Prominent Islamic Scholars

    “Hijacking planes, terrorizing innocent people and shedding blood constitute a form of injustice that can not be tolerated by Islam, which views them as gross crimes and sinful acts"
    - Shaykh Abdul Aziz al-Ashaikh (Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia and Chairman of the Senior Ulama, on September 15th, 2001)

    “The terrorists acts, from the perspective of Islamic law, constitute the crime of hirabah (waging war against society)"
    Sept. 27, 2001 fatwa, signed by:
    - Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi (Grand Islamic Scholar and Chairman of the Sunna and Sira Countil, Qatar)
    - Judge Tariq al-Bishri, First Deputy President of the Council d'etat, Egypt
    - Dr. Muhammad s. al-Awa, Professor of Islamic Law and Shari'a, Egypt
    - Dr. Haytham al-Khayyat, Islamic scholar, Syria
    - Fahmi Houaydi, Islamic scholar, Syria
    - Shaykh Taha Jabir al-Alwani, Chairman, North America High Council

    “Neither the law of Islam nor its ethical system justify such a crime."
    - Zaki Badawi, Principal of the Muslim College in London. Cited in Arab News, Sept. 28, 2001.

    "It is wrong to kill innocent people. It is also wrong to praise those who kill innocent people."
    - Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai, Pakistan. Cited in NY Times, Sept. 28, 2001.

    *Ingrid Mattson, a professor of Islamic studies and Muslim-Christian relations at Hartford Seminary in Hartford, said there was no basis in Islamic law or sacred text for Mr. bin Laden's remarks. "The basic theological distortion is that any means are permitted to achieve the end of protesting against perceived oppression."
    - Dr. Ingrid Mattson, (President of the Islamic Society of North America)


    Muslims stand united in their condemnation of terrorist attacks and any attempt to link their faith to heinous acts that question the humanity of the perpetrators. The vast majority of Muslims worldwide find in Islam, a faith that preaches devotion and good character, not one that calls for hatred towards fellow humans.

    For more information, please call 1-877—WHY-ISLAM or email

  6. #546
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    tribu's is true that jesus brought sword upon his adherents because he knew they would be persecuted and killed in his name. while muhamad and his allah was different because muhamad and his allah commanded the muslim to bear the sword and kill people who do not submit to the will of muhamad and his alter ego allah.

    Christians were being prepared to die for their persecution and non-violent actions while muhamad and his allah was telling muslims to kill people. that's the big difference.

    the christians were being taught to die for their faith in the hands of swordsmen because of their peaceful preaching of love, while the muslims were being taught to carry swords for allah and slay anyone who oppose them.

    though redundant, i have to repeat those phrases so it would be clear to all that there's a bog difference between christianity and islam.

    Are you talking about the christians in the bible or the crusaders and their land grabbing,witch hunting and horrible acts of holy wars? I think these guys were inspired by what is written in the old testament.

    a big difference indeed,hehe. You see when jews and christians during the time of muhammad were oppressing the Muslims they have to defend themelves and fight them or else their lands will go to these land grabbers and power-hunger people. And its still the same for today,when you see a muslim being oppressed we dont throw breads dude,we fight. Lisod ng ma rape atong igsoon nya tagaan lang nato ug pan ang rapist. Lisod ng gi kulata na ta nya kuhaon na atong yuta then ato pang e offer atong other cheek,hahaha. kamo lang pag ingun ana. Kaming mga muslim di mi musugot anang prinsipyoha.

    nindot unta tong redundant ka sir nya sakto imong ponto,unsaon pagka dakong sayup man

    and where did you get those verses? what do christians call those books? isn't it (the OLD testament?)

    the abrogation of that verse can be found in the new testament of the christian bible.

    correct,those verses were taken by Jesus(not me) from the old testament,so it means Jesus never and have no intentions of abrogating anything, palusot ra na sa mga christians,hehe. Remember Jesus never came here to abolish the law.

    oh you now want to cite the jewish talmud? good! i was to say that to you that that's exactly why i don't believe in those middle eastern religion because of the violence though christianity was already good because at least christianity already abrogated the old violent jewish law.

    and talking about mary, i don't think mary is virgin, nor do i believe that mary's jesus is from god. i even think jesus is an illegitimate child and joseph was only there to save mary from being punished by the violent jewish law.

    in fact, if i am to use psychology to examine the two personnage, jesus and muhamad.

    i know why jesus founded a new religion whose foundation was tolerance and love. it was because he knew that as an illegitimate child he and his mother could have died at the hands of the religious authorities. and i believe he knew he was illegitimate that is why at the start of his ministry he kept telling people he is the "son of god".

    while muhamad had to save his dignity by telling all women that they are dumb and must cover themselves because he was just an employee and one of the many husbands of khadija who was more powerful and wealthier than him. that is why at the death of khadija he had to save his honor by using an alter ego called allah to enthrone himself as the man who is an authority.

    hahaha,did you just shift your position? one time you are using Jesus and christianity to discredit Islam and Muhammad,but the wind jsut shifted here.

    kabalo ka sir thats a fallacy in argument,and this is not the first time you did it. So ill stop arguing with you na lang in LIVE debates sir,mo syagit na ang moderator ug ang mga tao ug PILDI NA KA. good thing that this is done sa forum. LOLZ.

    mao nay kapait sa google sir,mas mau pa nga dili ka mo hatag sa impression nga sweto ka.

  7. #547
    Oh shut UP! Killing for religion is just wrong. Islam is a dangerous religion and should not be tolerated anywhere!

  8. #548
    Senior Member Alel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rinnnie View Post
    Oh shut UP! Killing for religion is just wrong. Islam is a dangerous religion and should not be tolerated anywhere!
    As if Christians never did that...Yeah, right...

    And what's more, didnt the popes themselves approved of such actions?


  9. #549
    Approved and then made a public apology for such acts.

    Again i repeat myself: Let he who's religion has not sinned cast the first stone.

  10. #550
    Quote Originally Posted by rinnnie View Post
    Oh shut UP! Killing for religion is just wrong. Islam is a dangerous religion and should not be tolerated anywhere!
    speaking as if, YOUR religion got no BLOOD STAINS and BLOOPERS.

    whose battle cry was this one: "kill'em all, god will know his own" or was it "kill'em all god will sort them out"

    Again i repeat myself: Let he who's religion has not sinned cast the first stone.
    unfortunately they no longer use stones these days.

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