Well... enjoy getting banged around by that Foreign dog. After all, you're living the dream of every money grubbing whore, you get to go out of this damn shithole we call the Philippines
Well... enjoy getting banged around by that Foreign dog. After all, you're living the dream of every money grubbing whore, you get to go out of this damn shithole we call the Philippines
Those are harsh words Deathfox...you are one judgemental person. You are one of those filipinos i hate to be associated with...
hahayz.., this is called life?
paeta sige complain woi.
Deathfox, are you filipino, or a filthy dog living in the shithole? hehehe
ako ika sulti ni secret tool...pagbantay inig abot nimo sa ila country kay mura mahimo ka og baterd wife...
sa iya lang sinultian og pag describe sa philippines especialy sa #1...mura nag pugong rana siya kay naa siya diri sa Phil...gud luck nalang nimo diha...
mga bro ayaw lang mo kalain sa gisulti ni secret tool wala tay labot ani iyaha ra ni tanan, kay ang nakita sa iyang husband cya ra ug wala nay lain...
he has a point in everything that you said. i wont really be defending the philippines bejcause he is right with SOME. regarding drivers, they are always like that specially when it come to PU vehicles. There should be a strict implimentation of the traffic laws.
with the medical situation in the country, we really need to increase our budget when it comes to hospitals and medical facilities. seldom can you see good goverment hospitals in the philippines. again, it boils from corruption and mishandling of funds. if there would only be a president strong and brave enough to wipeout the big corrupt politicians, all of these corrupt small fishes in government agencies will also be gone.
as for the PAl thingie and local ships, I also would not prefer to ride or use them. use your car! but if you do not have any other choice, like if you want to go to palawan or boracay, then just pray hard enough.LOL
now... the phlippines is an acrchipelago, naturally there are a lot of sea water sorrounding us. IT WOULD BE CHEAPER AND HEALTHEIR if we eat fish. Some of us do not even have to buy fish. Its very abundant..
For having grasses? Duh.. grass need water. try to let him see how much water costs in the philippines.
Playing in the street is a lot of fun. AND HEY, MY COUSINS IN THE STATES ALSO PLAY IN THE STREET. every country in the world has kids playing in the streets be it in africa, UK, australia, or even in the US. where else would kids easily meet and play??
We are still a developing country, as for now, that $2 is enough. Let him come back 15-20 years after to see how much the economy will grow. As for the pruducts, we are one of the top exporting country when it comes to furnitures, goods, and delicacies. he is not reading the brochoures well. hehehe
to conlude this, your husband has a point but he is just to judgmental the he cannot see that even in his own country things like these happen. in some cases it is even far more awefull. he is just saying that to make you feel degraded or to make his esteem boost up. next time he tries to insult you try to answer back by giving figures or evidences. do not let your self get beatean by this man becuase this will be his start on how to control you.
hahaha for me 88% of what he is saying is true, no reason for us to deny that, we know its true, as long as he doesn't beat you up. And he treats you as a wife, i admire this guy, here's one guy who's not from here but cares a lot about this country, coz if he did not, he wouldn't even bother thinking about it. i bet those questions never even crossed some our minds. we are too busy living and worrying about our own lives maybe...reality bites huh
Yes it's true that most of the things your husband says about the Philippines is true...yup reality bites for all of us filipinos but of course there is a lot in the Philippines and in being a Filipino that we can all be proud of. Yes we may marry a foreigner but that should not mean that we are giving up who we really are...let your husband if he loves you, respect where you came from. And most importantly, show him how strong a filipina is...meaning do not just 100% depend on him. We are known to be fighters and we are highly intelligent and can easily adopt to any situation...show that to him. Be the best example of what a filipina is and who knows he will be able to understand the filipinos and the Philippines better![]()
I am still proud to be Pinoy.
Here is my own 2 cents:
my agonies are:
as a foreigner,
1.my husband think our best tourism is the girls,and that's why he came here,then he met me
This shows that he can’t find a good one in his own country. And Pinays are better or the best. And that’s how my husband sees me. He is an American and he has high regard on me. (Maybe because I deserve the respect, we all do!)
2.he doesn't want our kid to live here because streets are the playground of the children,basing to what he saw
Well, streets are the playground for those poor kids. If he is rich then you can have a 20 hectare land and provide your child the kind of playground he wants, duh!
3.our politicians are corrupt, he kept asking me where our 12% vat go
what about other governments? Aren’t they corrupt, too? There’s no perfect government. US taxes go to people’s welfare fund but some or most of the money is spent to wars for power supremacy ruining other country”s peace and order and sabotaging their economy
4. He laughs at small shanty houses in major roads,coz for him is terrible to see,
And he never felt any concern about that? No compassion at all? Can’t he do something to help? Just give harsh remarks or insults is what he can afford to do? Come on, what do you think of this kind of guy?
5. he never rides PAL,or sea ships of the Philippines
Meaning he has wings? or scales and fins?
6.that filipino vehicle drivers are boang,no clues and never give way to ambulance
Maybe, don’t they have broang drivers in their country?
7. hospitals are too far to be alive
What can he do to help? If he can’t do anything, at least wish that we will have the best in the future. then choose to live nearby a hospital. You got options.
8.that ambulance brings you dead on arrival
It depends. If the patient is really dying or has the least chance to survive, that’s for sure.
9. that majority of us lives in 2 dollars a day
Yes, that’s true. So? Are you not thankful you are more blessed and have the compassion to at least help or wish these people will have better lives? Arrogant!
10. that everybody wants to leave the country
Maybe, but not me!
11. that government agencies is money greedy,he can prove it,
We are not an isolated case. More than 50% of governments around the world have graft and corruption issues in their own countries.
12. that majority just eat rice and fish
(OMG! I hope that he will never experience the state of being poor.) We are just lucky cause fish is healthier to eat than most meat.
13.that we fight with each other
Who isn’t?
14.that we do not produce anything,if we do,no quality
That is never true. I have worked with an exporter before and most international companies choose us over competitors to produce the goods for them.
15.that we suppose to have a very beautiful place but the government is busy in corruption
This could be true but can’t he just keep his mouth shut if he can’t do anything about it. He doesn’t care anyway, does he? He only sees the negative everywhere and blind on the nice and good things.
16. homes here dont have grasses
What for? horse, goat, pigs? If he means lawns, he can have it if he wants it wherever he built his house.
17. and he wonders what country's future be
Well, do you know what happened to US now? They are most progressive and the most powerful country in the world. He must realize that life is a cycle. I hope that he will not get to a point in his life that he will experience the “down” period ever. Goodluck to him and to you!
and more....all these are present in his mind,i cant change it,he shakes his head to my country
i cant take it anymore,its killing me,its hurting me,i have been defending my country eversince,i always give counter reasons to my husband,but it just makes him see me as no clue too!
Secret tool, I really wish you good luck. But I am really concerned about your safety when you get to his place but most of all safety from mental and emotional anguish that this discriminating and arrogant white guy you’re involved with will give you. Right now, you are a battered wife already, emotionally and mentally.
now,im tired defending,in the end i realize my husband is true.im leaving philippines now,if i come back,that's becoz of my family.
I hope that it is just a vacation to visit your family when you come back and not as an escape from torture.
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