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  1. #21

    At last! Sakto na jud ang "24"!

  2. #22
    pa burger ka naman!

  3. #23
    mana ang speech

  4. #24
    Remember what eight years of Republican rule has wrought: missing weapons of mass destruction, the promises we'd be greeted as liberators, Jessica Lynch, torture, the disintegration of Afghanistan. Also: Enron, WorldCom, Bear Stearns, AIG, Fannie and Freddie, GM, Chrysler, Social Security privatization, the $700 billion bailout. Also: Brownie, John Ashcroft covering up that bare-breasted statue at the Justice Department, Alberto Gonzales politicizing the Justice Department, Harriet Miers, the oil lobbyist who edited those global warming reports. Also: Jack Abramoff, Duke Cunningham, Bob Ney, Tom DeLay, Ted Stevens. Also: the Vice President shot a guy, and the President almost choked to death on a pretzel.


  5. #25
    I'm not surprised. Try to read this post at
    Free Online Readings Here

  6. #26
    Leave a comment for TIME person of the year.
    YouTube - Who Do You Think Should Be Person of the Year?

    RON PAUL is the revolution.

    don't be a sheep to the media.

  7. #27
    black man in the white house... hehehe paradoxical in a way... congrats to all obama supporters... diri sa pinas ug sa America...

  8. #28
    bilib ko pagsulti ni McCain nga "he was my opponent and now he is my president". nus-a kaha ni mahitabo sa ato nga mo concede dayon ug defeat ang napildi nga usually, hapit na lang mahuman ang term sa president, di gihapon maghuman ang kaso sa comelec...

  9. #29
    It seems like we are the door of a new time, people, with Obama at the threshold saying, come in come in.

  10. #30

    Default mc cain fan here

    i dont like obama kay pro abortion cya and pro same *** marriage

  11.    Advertisement

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