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  1. #71

    Quote Originally Posted by adoboy View Post
    Vios: It's a Toyota, nuff said. But it's too common and Center gauges doesn't look cool at all.
    Jazz: All new model coming up, better check it out
    Swift: needs refreshening, good standard features tho but is on the expensive side and suzuki cars weren't proven to be reliable.
    Suzuki cars are equally reliable compared to other japanese car manufacturers. Suzuki even ranked 3rd and
    overtaken Honda in Japanese market among the big 3 (Nissan, Toyota, and Honda).

    For me:
    1. Jazz since new interior is futuristic. Honda engine Vtec. Good FC. Sporty.
    2. Swift since nice design. VVT engine similar to Toyota. Already has M/T. Good FC. Sporty. Similar FC with
    Toyota Yaris.
    3. Vios/Yaris since design is boring. Engine is good. Good FC.

  2. #72
    i like the jazz better,., but if you change the rims of the vios, it looks nice,.,

  3. #73
    yaris man siguro ang sa toyota not vios

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Motownkid View Post
    Toyota Yaris

    This looks like a photoshoped Yaris or a Toyota Aygo.

    Toyota Aygo

    For me...

    Honda Jazz - roomy but ugly car murag maguwang lang gamay sa Avanza ug hitsura pero functional.
    Suzuki Swift - looks cool... murag mini cooper ug design... naa sad ni pedigree sa rally.
    Toyota Yaris - roomy but not as big as the jazz, looks cute but the swift looks better. murag in the middle siya sa duha.

    Of the 3, the Swift looks best imho. In terms of looks... Vios shouldn't be in this category as it's a sedan while the other 2 are hatchbacks. (in the U.S. they call both yaris/vios as Yaris... (Hatchback and Sedan version.)
    Last edited by vipvip68; 09-14-2008 at 01:05 AM.

  5. #75
    Jazz -got lots of aftermarket parts (for power & looks)
    Swift -ok ang looks pero not that much aftermarket parts (basically here in Cebu, mags & bodykit rka kutob)
    Vios - not in the same category... should be yaris

  6. #76
    @spartan 301: yah your right, here in Cebu the after market parts of the Swift is few. You can always order in Manila. Everything you need for the swift is found there and its not that expensive. From Projector headlight, LED rear back lights, Air Intake, Turbos, and etc . . .

  7. #77
    without a doubt. Jazz pinaka nindot

  8. #78
    1. SWIFT

    2. Honda Jazz
    3. VIOS

  9. #79
    1st swift with side skirt, chin
    2nd swift nga stock
    3rd swift nga na disgrasya

  10. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Luther View Post
    1st swift with side skirt, chin
    2nd swift nga stock
    3rd swift nga na disgrasya

    well for me



    kaso ang mahal ng bagong jazz. kaya swift nalang siguro

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