as for the gf that drinks,....a guy must know, who's with, what are they drinking, the location, and whats the occasion....if not then...dakung away....girls are delicate and fragile and can easily be blown away!...
As for the bf that drinks...a gurl need not to know everything coz drinking session for mens are there passtime, easing up themselves, relaxing..and oneway of making bond to there thats why most guy that are disturb by there gf will eventually led into fight... so gurl must respect the privacy of men unless if something fishy is going on then...boys should also not take the respect for granted.
But palahubog ang guy or ang girl....well thats a different story... as for girl gani...its a no no no no..only foolish reason why a gurl can be a drunkers! and there are plenty of valid reason why men are drunkers...!Get had been drinking since the early its by nature to them already!.. Kaso lang karon...daghang palahubog dili kabalu mahubog gyud...
Everything has its reason and we should respect and try to understand that thing for us to have a mutual relation to our partners....believe me!...all things that has a beginning has an end.