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  1. #11

    Here's the problem: please pm me the complete source code using java.

    Write a program that converts a number entered in Roman numerals to decimal. Your program should consist of a class say Roman. An object should do the following:

    a. Store the number as Roman numeral

    b. Convert and store the number into decimal

    c. Print the number as Roman numeral or decimal number as requested by the user.

    The decimal values of Roman numerals are:
    M 1000
    D 500
    C 100
    L 50
    X 10
    V 5
    I 1

  2. #12
    PMed you...

  3. #13
    @dugo: basic mana nga problem sa programming. I'm guessing, it's an assignment/exam/ or project sa school. Even some programming references whether online or in some books has this kind of solution to your problem. Advice lng bro, mas maayo nga ikaw ang maglearn sa solution sa imong mga assignment/school projects it's what you call training. You'll know later kung maka.trabaho naka, especially if you pursue a job in IT-Programming field.

    I'll give you additional challenge sa imong project, try converting your roman numeral into decimal/octal/hex/binary and then into words(string).


    Enter a value: 85 (or any decimal value)

    Roman Numeral: LXXXV
    Decimal Value: 85
    Octal Value: 125
    Hexadecimal Value: 55
    Binary Value: 1010101
    in words: Eighty Five
    Last edited by ChaosOrb; 07-12-2008 at 07:10 PM.

  4. #14
    I don't know. pero sa aking pagsasaliksik at paghahanap ng magandang programming language. I found java as a very good straight forward language. marami ang nahihirapang mag OOP pero ang punto kasi eh wala namang madali.

    at kaya rin marerecommend ko sayo ang java eh dahil sa matino ang syntax nito eh maprapractice mong mabuti ang OOP dyan. pag java ang tinapos mo eh madaling mag switch to other OOP.

    I have tried and programmed professionally in my career C#.Net and PHP with OOP implemented. And personally, I have learned techniques and application because of my java OOP skills. Ang ginagawa ko na lang is kinoConvert ko yung alam ko sa java into those languages.

    (pero syempre iba pa rin yung libraries, syntax but that is mahaba kung e-tatackle).

  5. #15
    try ani nga site kai mao ni pinakanindut sa tanan root page

  6. #16
    try to learn OOP concepts not the language it will help kaayu rather than learning specific language.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by cebugdev View Post
    try to learn OOP concepts not the language it will help kaayu rather than learning specific language.
    learning the OOP concepts is only the first part. one must choose a language to put it into practice.

    i recommend the following pointers before choosing a language:

    1. choose a language that you can be good at career-wise
    2. determine the "hot" language in the market today. browse on online jobs ad and get the feel of what type of skill set most companies are looking for
    3. online (or offline) community support for that language. if you are stuck at something, you should know where to go to for help.

  8. #18
    Elite Member
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    I suggest you to start Python in writing about OOP. Python is an interpreted language that can let you scan the output quickly, or even view your objects, functions, and instances.


    PHP Code:
    >>> class poymode(object):
    def __init__(selfname):
    self.__name name
    >>> poymode
    <class '__main__.poymode'>
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<interactive input>"line 1in ?
    TypeError__init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given
    Hope you got my point… other programming languages requires you to write few more lines, lets you do some compilation before you can test… the way Python interprets your code and reply is very simple and direct to the point. Python does not have so called “Private” (attributes or methods) but it can implemented use “__” double underscore. Meaning any variables start with “__” is private. And there’s a lot more to discuss.
    Sometimes I’m required to write C++ OOP code, not C (it’s far from the reality that they are the same especially if you talk about OOP). But before I do that, I code it in Python sometimes… and yes, it helps me a lot.

    You see the beauty of C and how powerful is C++ (and how it can let someone head’s blow). Learning OOP is not easy… it can guarantee you either you can used it right away or as soon as you learn on its basic. There are a lot of books out there that talks about “Design Patterns” please research on this… I suggest you to read this, as soon as you get into real job that strictly apply “OOP”. But the most effective way, is to study and let somebody else to understand with your teaching abilities. The more you teach the more you likely to learn...

    They said that real programming starts OOP, which absolutely not TRUE… without knowledge of OOP you can still code and program… but it will limit your capabilities. You won’t be able to read some modules, built-in classes, an intermediate C++ programmer can’t even read exactly how MFC is being structured… so do I… my goodness…. I often ask myself, how those guys create a horrible OOP! Looks so horrifying to me coz hardly to understand…. And I have no choice but to buy some books read some documentation overnight! Think about “GoF” (Gang of Four –Design Patterns) Maybe you’ll find yourself reading that someday, but take it slow… you can’t hit 10 birds in 1 bullets.

    Learning about assignments, functions, loops, basic input and output, calling some built-in functions are just basics… OOP is the way to use the heart of the system, combining it with your algorithm and analytical skills, that’s why before you go taking up the OOP in any programming languages, you have to LOVE how it syntax, string manipulation, coding conventions are being used and applied… but again, it’s good to know and use any kind of languages, try them, until you feel which one you gonna like and love.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by MarkCuering View Post
    I suggest you to start Python in writing about OOP. Python is an interpreted language that can let you scan the output quickly, or even view your objects, functions, and instances.


    PHP Code:
    >>> class poymode(object):
    def __init__(selfname):
    self.__name name
    >>> poymode
    <class '__main__.poymode'>
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<interactive input>"line 1in ?
    TypeError__init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given
    Hope you got my point… other programming languages requires you to write few more lines, lets you do some compilation before you can test… the way Python interprets your code and reply is very simple and direct to the point. Python does not have so called “Private” (attributes or methods) but it can implemented use “__” double underscore. Meaning any variables start with “__” is private. And there’s a lot more to discuss.
    Sometimes I’m required to write C++ OOP code, not C (it’s far from the reality that they are the same especially if you talk about OOP). But before I do that, I code it in Python sometimes… and yes, it helps me a lot.

    You see the beauty of C and how powerful is C++ (and how it can let someone head’s blow). Learning OOP is not easy… it can guarantee you either you can used it right away or as soon as you learn on its basic. There are a lot of books out there that talks about “Design Patterns” please research on this… I suggest you to read this, as soon as you get into real job that strictly apply “OOP”. But the most effective way, is to study and let somebody else to understand with your teaching abilities. The more you teach the more you likely to learn...

    They said that real programming starts OOP, which absolutely not TRUE… without knowledge of OOP you can still code and program… but it will limit your capabilities. You won’t be able to read some modules, built-in classes, an intermediate C++ programmer can’t even read exactly how MFC is being structured… so do I… my goodness…. I often ask myself, how those guys create a horrible OOP! Looks so horrifying to me coz hardly to understand…. And I have no choice but to buy some books read some documentation overnight! Think about “GoF” (Gang of Four –Design Patterns) Maybe you’ll find yourself reading that someday, but take it slow… you can’t hit 10 birds in 1 bullets.

    Learning about assignments, functions, loops, basic input and output, calling some built-in functions are just basics… OOP is the way to use the heart of the system, combining it with your algorithm and analytical skills, that’s why before you go taking up the OOP in any programming languages, you have to LOVE how it syntax, string manipulation, coding conventions are being used and applied… but again, it’s good to know and use any kind of languages, try them, until you feel which one you gonna like and love.
    Bro, you have great idea on this but I think learning OOP should start in JAVA and everything will be follow. Java is very good reference in terms with OOP, a standard I should say.. coz if u really learn the basic OOP in JAVA it will help you understand and compare it with other OOP languages.. think Java OOP as your based Class to other OOP languages that you want to learn in the future.. Cheers c",)

  10. #20
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    We really can't determine what language to start in learning OOP. It depends upon the person only. Of course JAVA force you to use OOP, even little code in JAVA already force you to do so and apparently JAVA is another way to accomplished this… that’s why it is widely used as subjects in universities. It’s good to try both…or even more.

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