if im the child, and by the time i grow up knowing i have 10 fathers who raped my mom, ill hang myself up - meaning ill be embarace and hope my mom aborted me. now, il throw back the question to you.
what would u do, if u live a normal life while growing up, then when ur 16 u ask, mama, wheres papa? or do i have a daddy? then ur mama says, i dont know ur daddy, coz i was gang raped.
or, if your the lady gang raped by a ruthless criminal, left you half-dead, then u got preggy, what would you do? practicalay lang ta bro.
bitaw bro... kon ako ang bata ......... ok lang dawaton den matinarong ko school nya mag abogado den mag pass ko ug law na patyon ang mga taw na mang rape ako epabalik ang death penalty kaysa patyon ang bata na wala sa..... bro..... wala man ko ni contradict sa emo opinion bro.....
ambot lng sad bai ha! pru ug ako ang anak! lisod man sad jud dawaton ba pru, para nako gibuhi gud kos akong inahan nganu man mag pakamatay ko tungod lng sa inana ko nga pag ka buhat! akong kinabuhi akong angay huna2xon dli ug unsai nahitabo sakong inahan sauna kay ako mismo walay sala sa nahitabo. and akong ipakita sa akong inahan nga dli ko sama sa akong amahan nga inana ka yawa!
@tingkoy13 - skyblue lord - i agree with u guys, its an honest and noble thing to do if your that illegitimate child. and i salute for those people who battled their demons and succesfully surpass their struggle while growing up. Now, the other side of the coin, which i bet u would agree with me...
the apple does not fall far from the tree or simply DNA characteristics.
agree ko ana but still ang bata naa ghapon chans nga matarong ug dala iyang kinabuhi... depende nana sa iyang kaugalingon sad nuon, gusto ba niyang ma evil o ma angel... hehehe
actually divided ko ani because in the medical field, if the mother who is pregnant is having medical complications that may endanger her and the baby, the doctor can actually abort the baby because the mother is to be of top priority. on the other hand, this might also be abused because what if the mother, especially those unwanted pregnancies would resort to other means of trying to abort it because abortion is legalize. suppose the mother take contraceptive drugs during pregnancy? what will happen is that when she goes on her OB-GYNE to have her monthly check-ups, manifestations of the drugs she took would later be known by the doctor thus, obviously the doctor will suggest aborting the baby because the mother will always be the top priority.
The Revised Penal Code of the Philippines
Book II
Title Eight
Chapter One
Section Two. — Infanticide and abortion.
Art. 255. Infanticide. — The penalty provided for parricide in Article 246 and for murder in Article 248 shall be imposed upon any person who shall kill any child less than three days of age.
If the crime penalized in this article be committed by the mother of the child for the purpose of concealing her dishonor, she shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods, and if said crime be committed for the same purpose by the maternal grandparents or either of them, the penalty shall be prision mayor.
Art. 256. Intentional abortion. — Any person who shall intentionally cause an abortion shall suffer:
1. The penalty of reclusion temporal, if he shall use any violence upon the person of the pregnant woman.
2. The penalty of prision mayor if, without using violence, he shall act without the consent of the woman.
3. The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods, if the woman shall have consented.
Art. 257. Unintentional abortion. — The penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and medium period shall be imposed upon any person who shall cause an abortion by violence, but unintentionally.
Art. 258. Abortion practiced by the woman herself of by her parents. — The penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods shall be imposed upon a woman who shall practice abortion upon herself or shall consent that any other person should do so.
Any woman who shall commit this offense to conceal her dishonor, shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods.
If this crime be committed by the parents of the pregnant woman or either of them, and they act with the consent of said woman for the purpose of concealing her dishonor, the offenders shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods.
Art. 259. Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife and dispensing of abortives. — The penalties provided in Article 256 shall be imposed in its maximum period, respectively, upon any physician or midwife who, taking advantage of their scientific knowledge or skill, shall cause an abortion or assist in causing the same.
Any pharmacist who, without the proper prescription from a physician, shall dispense any abortive shall suffer arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos.
Below are just my initial pros and con list of both sides of the coin.
1. Due to incurable disease of mother or child.
2. In cases of extreme deformity of the fetus.
3. In cases of rape. (Currently against Art. 258 ) But in cases where the rapist has communicable disease that would either lead to 1 & 2.
1. Right to life of the child as stated in the constitution. But this is only applicable when the life of the mother is not in danger.
2. Possible abuse of teen mothers.
The phrase "Legalizing Abortion" is to some extent mis-leading. Legalizing doesn't necessarily mean it is a free for all as what most of the post here are trying to project. Legalizing means placing restrictions according to the existing law of the land, in this case the Revised Penal Code of the Phils. Right now our law explicitly forbades any form of abortion and doesn't provide any exemption that otherwise would be legally reasonable. Thus, "Legalizing" would not necessarily mean allowing freely.
The Pro-abortion items #1 & #2 from the medical standpoint and for humane reasons are for me acceptable. These two cases should be addressed in the current penal code. There should be a law that defines that set of requirements that should be followed before a legal abortion will be done. Framing a law that will cover #1 & #2 will not only prevent abuse but will also possibly allow the person involve assistance from the government.
Pro-abortion case #3, I am still undecided with this case. The extent on how the woman was rape and/or the state of the man raping her should be considered when making a decision. This is still up for the grab for me.
as i said before... if your a male... then you have no business pushing your opinions too much... why?
... kay ang babaye manganak
... kay ang babaye biyaan sa laki, maoy mo padako sa iya bata
... kay kapila na nahitabo nga dili biyaan sa laki ug tabangan patubu sa bata... nya biyaan rapud...
... kay babaye dyud kasagarn bsta bata nay sturyaan ... lol..
get it?... its ok to pitch in ur opinion... but dont push too much if dili ka babaye...
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