all i can say is we are entitled to our own opinions...
people, let us be open minded to what others say or think and respect it, for thats who they are
it is you readers has the final say, you dont have to believe everything what you see or read
weigh it in your own mind and judge it if it is right or wrong.. not people saying its wrong because they said so
i find this thread very interesting, because i get to know ideas from other people and how they see life..
im also worried about people that have weak minds that are perceptive or easily persuaded of what other say..
all im asking is strengthen your mind and your faith.. of whatever you believe in.... and ask yourselves if what others say if it is right or wrong, base on your principles.
if soul doctor said so, so its his answers to the questions... but it doesnt mean his right or wrong
i have many more questions to ask to soul doctor... i want to know his answers, i actually also have my own answers.
enjoy the diversity