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Results 361 to 370 of 456
  1. #361

    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    hatagan tikag situation, lets say regular student ka, not the brainy type of student pero imo grades igo ra pasar like 2.7 or 2.8 etc... etc... ni skuyla ka hantod ni 2nd year or 3rd year ka, then ni kalit rag tuition fee increase and ang increase kay 30% pajud... mo transfer ka baka na ang imong subjects dile ma credit tanan or worst ang course na imo gi dream kay walay ni offer sa lain skuylahan or bisan flat 1 ka sa imo grado pero pa retakon kag lain na subject even though related pero lahi ang curriculum sa lain skuylahan. and you would just let that happen?
    in that situation, it still boils down to ANTICIPATION. A student (and parents) has to anticipate increases in tuition fees coz part of the equation is inflation. Inflation is even taught in high school u know. Kung tanaw sa estudyante mka afford cya ug 20k nga tuition now and maybe 30k later, then by all means he/she can enroll in that school. but if not, he/she has to find another school where tuition is cheaper and has a history of minimal increases.

    and if u r a flat 1 student or a dean's lister, tuition discounts are given.

    and btw, if u come from San Carlos, all ur units are accredited by CHED.

    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    sir mura man kag pari sa san carlos na dile maminaw sa plight sa mga students
    don't get me wrong. mind u, when i was a college student, me and my friends and classmates are against tuition increases. But we realized that even w/ the huff and puff against it wouldn't change the school's stand at all anyway. why? because of the law. Tuition for private schools are deregulated and tuition increase didn't violate any rules per CHED.

    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    not the priests, pero the whole institution itself datu.
    well, that doesn't change the meaning of ur statement coz the whole institution is run by priests. again, pls don't oversimplify it. if we consider their Financial Statement, what u may be referring to with "datu" are their Assets. And assets are divided into different forms like Cash, Cash equivalents, fixed assets, inventory, buildings & equipment, furniture and furnishings, etc...

    and nobody in his right mind would want to run a business wanting to shrink the assets but u want it to grow instead.

    and assets are not only the concern w/ any business u know. u also have to deal w/ expenses. the more u grow ur business, the more income u need and the more expenses u incurred. sa balance sheet, it's assets over liabilities.

    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    ugghh like yeah saw them with my two freakin' two eyes, na ang mga buildings ray naka nindot, how about sa fine arts department na dile sila ka provide og mga equipments, na kami mismo ma pugos og palit para lang maka meet og deadline na wherin dapat ang school mismo mo gasto ana. dile ko engineering ma.o na dile ko ka tubag.
    regarding fine arts dep't, that's the problem of the dep't head. basin wala cla ni-request. ky kng sa eng'g pa, say, Chem Eng, improved na kau ilang facilities per requested. anyway, this problem is internal.

    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    yes i've heard about the working students pero , sak2 man pud na the school pays for your tuition and you work para sa school. ing-ana man ang systema ana dba?
    yup. ug naay pud ang scholars like dean's listers. they don't work as working students but earned thru their grades.

    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    not so fast there mr. giddyboy, how can you say na peer pressure rato kang maemae? heck you don't even know her for god's sake, you haven't met her and mo conclude dayon ka? tsk tsk tsk
    well, i don't need to know her personally. That's not the meat of the matter. All i need are just facts, what actions she has taken, the consequences of the actions, and start from there. Who pressured her to do all these things man diay? di ba CEGP? ug kinsa man na cla sa CEGP? di ba peers? if u don't call that peer pressure, maybe peer influence? what do u think?
    Last edited by giddyboy; 10-15-2008 at 03:48 PM.

  2. #362
    sakto ang point mo mr giddyboy. thanks.

  3. #363
    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy View Post
    well, i don't need to know her personally. That's not the meat of the matter. All i need are just facts, what actions she has taken, the consequences of the actions, and start from there. Who pressured her to do all these things man diay? di ba CEGP? ug kinsa man na cla sa CEGP? di ba peers? if u don't call that peer pressure, maybe peer influence? what do u think?

    Yup, agree with you dude. Especially in the unversities joining any group is the "in thing", so any who group wouldn't just matter because the point is to be accepted, much more if you came from the smaller towns: that is peer pressure. But that is just the start, then you became captured by the ideals of the group. Then, it is either your are preparing for a glossy resume or preparing for yourself a tombstone.

  4. #364
    Quote Originally Posted by cottonmouth View Post
    Yup, agree with you dude. Especially in the unversities joining any group is the "in thing", so any who group wouldn't just matter because the point is to be accepted, much more if you came from the smaller towns: that is peer pressure. But that is just the start, then you became captured by the ideals of the group. Then, it is either your are preparing for a glossy resume or preparing for yourself a tombstone.
    thanks. mura ra gud nag frat gud...peer pressure or influence. the need to belong...

  5. #365
    regarding fine arts dep't, that's the problem of the dep't head. basin wala cla ni-request. ky kng sa eng'g pa, say, Chem Eng, improved na kau ilang facilities per requested. anyway, this problem is internal.
    matud pa sa among department chair cge na siyag request, pero wala gihapon action ang mga pari

    well, i don't need to know her personally. That's not the meat of the matter. All i need are just facts, what actions she has taken, the consequences of the actions, and start from there. Who pressured her to do all these things man diay? di ba CEGP? ug kinsa man na cla sa CEGP? di ba peers? if u don't call that peer pressure, maybe peer influence? what do u think?
    wala man cguro siya gi recruit sa CEGP, siya ma.oy voluntarily ni join sa CEGP. based sa akong mga experiences ang mo dugay sa mga progressive orgs kay kanang wala ni recruit pero isla mismo ganahan mo join in-ana na movement kay kibaw sila they want to serve the people.

    and btw, if u come from San Carlos, all ur units are accredited by CHED.
    na.a may cutoff grade, so dile gihapon ma credit you still have to retake the freakin' subject

  6. #366
    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    wala man cguro siya gi recruit sa CEGP, siya ma.oy voluntarily ni join sa CEGP. based sa akong mga experiences ang mo dugay sa mga progressive orgs kay kanang wala ni recruit pero isla mismo ganahan mo join in-ana na movement kay kibaw sila they want to serve the people.

    Kadako sang bakak ani brod oi. Maybe 10% ra tingali kun naa man gani ang mo volunter ug apil. Dili lang baya ikaw naay experience makahinagbo ning mga grupoha or any other group for that matter. Basin ikaw na belong sa 10%...good for you kay imo man tinoyoan. Pero ang amo concern kato tawong mga batan-on nga ma brain-wash, luoy.

  7. #367
    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    matud pa sa among department chair cge na siyag request, pero wala gihapon action ang mga pari
    mao ba? can u specify what kind of equipment inyong gi-request dha sa fine arts? basin minilyon pud na cya? or basin not a priority? AFAIK, during my college days, almost the whole 4th floor of the eng'g bldg was fine arts dep't...

    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    wala man cguro siya gi recruit sa CEGP, siya ma.oy voluntarily ni join sa CEGP. based sa akong mga experiences ang mo dugay sa mga progressive orgs kay kanang wala ni recruit pero isla mismo ganahan mo join in-ana na movement kay kibaw sila they want to serve the people.
    voluntarily or not, my point is, CEGP should be partly blamed for her untimely demise. why? yes, pareho lage cla ug ideals. but that's one factor why she chose that direction. and as a peer, they should have advised her not to join the NPA. they should have asked her not to go to Negros as wala man gyud diay cya nisulti sa tinuod gyud niyang tuyo did2 sa iyang parents. Ang nahibaw-an ra sa ginikanan at first was medical mission but political work man diay. mao btaw nihangyo gyud iyang parents upon knowing nga papaulion cya ora mismo. wa man mgpa tuo. now look at.

    so having said that, some of her peers may either have no knowledge of her being an NPA at all (what are the chances?),or, encouraged her to join instead, and not the other way around. dili man kha peer pressure, aw peer influence nlng kha. and i know that this is not the only factor why she joined an armed struggle but it is just one...just my 2 cents.

    pareho ra gud na sa usa ka frat-related thread. a frat member made a crime by shooting a rival frat. do u think that fraternity is not partly to be blamed?

    big possibility why Mae was in Negros:

    The NPA Mt. Talinis Front Command based in southeast Negros island implemented last September 9 a directive from the Provisional Revolutionary Government to punish the Tamlang Valley Agricultural Development Corporation (TVADC) for promoting and planting jathropa and cassava in the said area.
    Last edited by giddyboy; 10-15-2008 at 04:49 PM.

  8. #368
    mao ba? can u specify what kind of equipment inyong gi-request dha sa fine arts? basin minilyon pud na cya? or basin not a priority? AFAIK, during my college days, almost the whole 4th floor of the eng'g bldg was fine arts dep't...
    chemicals para develop of film is a must, unsa.on namo pag apply sa manga dagko na advertising agencies na dile man mi kibaw mo develop og film? although digital age na karon pero dapat mo go through pata sa basics para na.ay solid foundation and isa ka tao. computers na pirteng hinaya na kutob ra upat 7 ka tao maka gamit, and etc... etc...

    point taken about na.ay influences gamay, sa kadaghan nako kaila na ni saka sa bukid, ila man own choice na mo saka sila, na.ay influence gamay pero majority ana ilaha jud kagustohan na mo saka sila.

  9. #369
    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    chemicals para develop of film is a must, unsa.on namo pag apply sa manga dagko na advertising agencies na dile man mi kibaw mo develop og film? although digital age na karon pero dapat mo go through pata sa basics para na.ay solid foundation and isa ka tao. computers na pirteng hinaya na kutob ra upat 7 ka tao maka gamit, and etc... etc...
    so i assume the fine arts dept already has it's photo developing shop or dark room. chemicals? problema sa chemicals? wa man gani ngproblema ang Bio, Chem or ChE dept sa chemicals...maybe kuwang ra na sa follow up sa requisition.
    ahehe, sa computers nuon, i dunno what's the status now but problema na gyud mi daan ana sauna pa. maygani mo nkasuway namo ug mouse ug windows dha. kami sauna, hotkeys, floppy disc, turbo, wordstar ug lotus ra gyud tawn. pakapinan pa gyud ug virus. molabang nlng gud intawn mi sa atbang para sa among reports.

    Quote Originally Posted by radiostar View Post
    point taken about na.ay influences gamay, sa kadaghan nako kaila na ni saka sa bukid, ila man own choice na mo saka sila, na.ay influence gamay pero majority ana ilaha jud kagustohan na mo saka sila.
    point taken also.
    Last edited by giddyboy; 10-15-2008 at 05:26 PM.

  10. #370
    so i assume the fine arts dept already has it's photo developing shop or dark room. chemicals? problema sa chemicals? wa man gani ngproblema ang Bio, Chem or ChE dept sa chemicals...maybe kuwang ra na sa follow up sa requisition.
    ahehe, sa computers nuon, i dunno what's the status now but problema na gyud mi daan ana sauna pa. maygani mo nkasuway namo ug mouse ug windows dha. kami sauna, hotkeys, floppy disc, turbo, wordstar ug lotus ra gyud tawn. pakapinan pa gyud ug virus. molabang nlng gud intawn mi sa atbang para sa among reports.

    sauna na.a mana dark room, pa gani sila unsa.on pag develop, karon sa bag.o na building na.ay dark room pero walay gamit, kay nawala ra kalit kay matud pa sa akong photography na maestro mahal na daw ang chemicals walay budget ang skuylahan, come to think of it cge sila tofi, then dile sila maka provide? sa ako nakibaw-an pud gi supportahan man cguro ang inyong department og foreign churva, matud pa sa ako migo na applied physics major, pero karon nag lisod pud sila kay nawala natong dutch dutch whatever

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