First I’d like to congratulate you for facing the panel confidently and show your proposals to them, whatever goes ahead. It’s already been a good credit as a student to have this kind of project.
Here’s my earnest sincere friendly violent reaction… cheers.
Note 1: well, this is just a suggestion or at least could give you some bright idea.
Note 2: Take down some notes, and don’t ever forget this.
Note 3: Please ask google about this, “DO SOME RESEARCH”
Is it possible to change this into “WEB-BASED” or “WEB BASE” I prefer “WEB-BASED” as it directly points to User Interface.
I haven’t seen your documentation, but I suggest you to named your product this time, create your own alias project name, eg. WRS-PD is a system that blah blah blah… where “WRS-PD” refers to the application you created. Where “WRS” stands for “Web-based retrieval system” and “PD” for programming documents? Or soon in the future you have “MD” medical, “CV” curriculum vitae… (Please see note 1)
Ok forget it this time; LOL I don’t want you to make confuse…
Ok lemme start by highlighting some of your objectives commented by your teacher.
Your Objectives: “To create a text analyzer that will identify keywords”
Comments from teacher: how the text analyzer works?
Why must analyze keywords? Why you need to identify? Okay, you got some point here, and to tell you, this is “CORRECT” and I just want to add or give you more idea…
Read Note 1 and 2 before you proceed reading.
I have a program save under “” (python program)
PHP Code:
Class Point2D:
# This Class holds the information of XY value of the Point.
GetX() …
SetX() …
GetY() …
SetY() …
Class Point3D():
# This Class holds the information of XYZ value of the Point.
GetX() …
SetX() …
GetY() …
SetY() …
GetZ() …
SetZ() ….
Def Convert3DTo2D(*args):
#This function converts the 3D points to 2D point in a specific PLANE.
The code above does not contain variables, strings or mathematical operations. What you saw is only CLASSES, FUNCTIONS AND COMMENTS. And this probably how your “TEXT ANALYZER”. “KEYWORDS” works to tagged additional information on the specific file you want to store and retrieve in the future. every function names, class names and their technical comments can be fetched at the beginning of (I hope you get what I mean to say, this is useful during project development) Other than that, we have “FILE ANALYZER” this is to analyze each file if it is a document to read or a user’s program. In real environment, source file are following some formats… eg. Before the programmer starts to code… he/she must put all possible information on top of his/her programs eg.
__author__ = “Your_name”
__date__ = "26 February 2001"
__version__ = "$Revision: $"
__classes__ = “Point2D, Point3D”
__functions__= “Conver3DTo2D”
__requirements__=” $Revision$”
All of the data above is following Naming conventions, especially in versioning. Each digit can even have some meanings like department, date, functions modified, etc… depends how the company structured their naming conventions.
But you don’t have to worry about the value, but worry about what DATA you would like to include in your system.
For quick steps or breakdown how the system works (STORING data’s)
- User uploaded “” together with “USER-DEFINED INFORMATION”
- System Scans, and provide “SYSTEM-DEFINED INFORMATION” based on the content
What I’m talking about “user-defined information”. The user will provide information to the “document” uploaded to the system, does it requires expiration? Does it involve revisions? How about restrictions? Type of user can access? Type of users can delete? Who the users can download? Lock? Or unlocked? And the most difficult thing is “What programming language does it supports”?
You got to collect different features out there… select those things suited in your design’s goal.
(Of course you will be considering complexity, simplicity, usefulness and some knowledge (possibility) in your team)
Visit: document management system open source
and don't forget Note 3.
Your project ycole is very nice, it can be made complicated and it can be made easy… What I’m worried about is you need some knowledge and background, or let me say, someone can deliver this project effectively having the following set of knowledge.
See note 3.
1. Any CMS (joomla, drupal, Nuxeo, alfresco, xinco, docMGR, Magnolia, Quotero, Typo3)
2. CVS/SVN (or someone who does programming and manage codes)
3. Strategic Planning (at least product can be made unique, language use? Database? User interface design? And more…)
If you can find some professional who’s willing to work or guide your team to work on this, then no problem for the decision you’ll make. Just try to find someone who is reliable or referred by someone who is closed to you.
But before you do this, try to do some workarounds?
1. Try download XAMPP and install any free CMS and run in your local computer
2. Download any free CVS/SVN get it and try use it… understand how to work or how the data being manage.
3. Improved your research skills; I don’t believe there’s no existing or simpler freewares out there that work likely to your proposed project.
This requires a tremendous dedication ycole, hardwork and time management. I’ve been a thesis consultant before while finishing my course, and mostly as what I’ve observed the students who came to me are those who don’t want to put themselves in pain, don’t want to experience sleepless nights researching and after few days just throw out everything in trash. However, there are few who came to me who don’t know how to start everything, or they only need some favorable guidance for their project in order to succeed.
After all, this is just a school project; nothing to get scared with… you must have a constant communication between your advisers (teacher). They know how you gonna look pretty as soon as you stand in front of them as if you were selling your project. You can count the people in this forum too… some idea may not be applicable or too complicated for you, just leave it for the meantime… and consider that they post their message with effort and time to provide answers from your questions. Some of the answers are too general… maybe because your questions might be general as well… anyway, just enjoy every meals you have hehehehehe…
Common features of CMS + Common features of CVS/SVN = YCOLES PROJECT