300 php each... 50 php discount each if you wholesale them!^^
3 months old. Very Healthy and active. Good genetic material. Ready to spawn. PERFECT for ornamental purposes, for gifts to your girlfriend or wife, and as the focal point for any planted aquariums... Plus, the Reds are perfect for the coming Holidays!!! Sakto kaau inig December, adult size na...^^
Adults would look like the pic on my avater...^^
RFS: I need to make room for my new hatchlings...
Contact me at: 272-1137/09222962068
@ All
SOLD OUT na... Wla nko stocks available hehehe... Next batch na pud 2 months from now... I have some gorgeous fries growing up right now...
If you are still interested in Red Halfmoon Bettas, you may contact our fellow ABA member, MIKE LIM
at 0915-5259665 or at 255-8857... You can visit his place beside CEC at Jackosalem near the old VECO building...
His fries are half-siblings of mine coz they both have the same mother... The father of his stocks is a gorgeous Orange Halfmoon...
Price is 300php each or 500php for 2 Bettas purchased...^^