love their chicken caesar salad...
and this dish is another thing I love to order...
love their chicken caesar salad...
and this dish is another thing I love to order...
Yah they got good food, but im really waiting to see what kind of bar they have, I feel we need those lovely bar area in Cebu where we can unwind after work, talk to bartender or regulars , pop ur laptop and get free wifiat the same time enjoy food and people.
Master Yoda's Quote “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
asa mana na located sa ayala?
Ka eat ko TGIF sa Korea before the best ila Steak, maayu unta the same ra but dilang kaayu mahal.
abli na? asa dapit?
aw, aplugging pa diay ni...
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