bro,pila last ani
Originally Posted by comptech21 bro,pila last ani pm'ed u sir..
up..still available..
pwede ni installment? 09238185465 ako #
Originally Posted by captstar pwede ni installment? 09238185465 ako # pass lang sa ko installment sir..thanks up..still available and negotiable
still available and very negotiable...
up for tonight
doh trade ta with my smartphone, kinda like Blackberry. but wit wifi ni siya. I am selling this for 15k, but if you like trade lang ta.
Originally Posted by F_rank doh trade ta with my smartphone, kinda like Blackberry. but wit wifi ni siya. I am selling this for 15k, but if you like trade lang ta. pass lang ko smart phone bro...thanks sa offer
up still available..
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