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  1. #1

    Unhappy HELP Someone in his/her family doesn't like me

    im juz sooo bothered now...wat shud be d best thing to do wen ur guy's( not rili bf but murag uyab cguro).....hmmm lets say "a part of his family" doesnt like you...!!!!!....

    i just found out that "sumone in his family" doesnt like me..i juz dont know why..coz we dont even have the tym to talk..we just met once or twice...and i cant remember a single moment doing sumthing that made her say this " i should have slapped her the first tym i met her"..( 'her'-referring to me)

    hmmm im beginning to like this guy thu...but since that tym i knew that, i was avoiding him and i prefer to stay away from him..for a simple rison that idont want to complicate things between us...m juz so thankful ifound out this one before saying "yes" to his guy....

    guyzz do u think im doing the ryt thing?,,,waaaahh HELP!


  2. #2
    First thing though, it would be better if you typed properly and not with shortcuts because it gets annoying.

    If I were in your place I would confront that person straight up. I don't care if something bad happens because it's already a bad situation as it it right now. He/She might have just been joking around with his/her words, or probably was drunk or high at the time. Try to straighten things out in a non-violent matter, but make sure you approach the person in a mature manner.

    Just wondering though, what were you wearing when you first met this person who "hates" you? First impressions would mostly base on your attire/attitude back then. I don't know.

  3. #3
    Infractions: 0/3 (6)
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    who cares?

    di man kamo'y magdog sa laing tawo.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by narci_girl View Post
    im juz sooo bothered now...wat shud be d best thing to do wen ur guy's( not rili bf but murag uyab cguro).....hmmm lets say "a part of his family" doesnt like you...!!!!!....

    i just found out that "sumone in his family" doesnt like me..i juz dont know why..coz we dont even have the tym to talk..we just met once or twice...and i cant remember a single moment doing sumthing that made her say this " i should have slapped her the first tym i met her"..( 'her'-referring to me)

    hmmm im beginning to like this guy thu...but since that tym i knew that, i was avoiding him and i prefer to stay away from him..for a simple rison that idont want to complicate things between us...m juz so thankful ifound out this one before saying "yes" to his guy....

    guyzz do u think im doing the ryt thing?,,,waaaahh HELP!


    ans tubag nako ana.... "QUEVER!"

    ayaw pansini sila... tell them dli mo sila ka level.

    but 1st klaroha sa if uyab namo sa guy then for me i dont crae about the family kay dli man sila imo kakuyog kung mag-ipon namo.


  5. #5
    check the GUY if he really is a GUY, not a GAY

  6. #6
    sagoy..dili lang cguro ka sanay u get annoyed...

    yep..point taken...well. theway i dress up?...consevative type mn jud its a plain t shrt and a jeans...

  7. #7
    maybe i was just so affected when i knew that....

    tnx for reading guyz...

  8. #8
    pra nku noh kay d nah mao imo gi buhat nga ur avoiding him and u prefer to stay away from him.. be mature enough 2 face things.. u can't always run to it.... tell him everything so that u wont regret anything...

  9. #9

    Default Help

    Asa ta maka post if naa ka

  10. #10
    so granted that im not avoiding him...wat will happen to us?....ana lang?...for sure dili lang kani mhapen cguro..

    ako point is dili ko gusto mag-away sila iya sis....tungod lang nku....he told me kc nga he fought with his sister..

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