im juz sooo bothered now...wat shud be d best thing to do wen ur guy's( not rili bf but murag uyab cguro).....hmmm lets say "a part of his family" doesnt like you...

i just found out that "sumone in his family" doesnt like me..i juz dont know why..coz we dont even have the tym to talk..we just met once or twice...and i cant remember a single moment doing sumthing that made her say this " i should have slapped her the first tym i met her"..( 'her'-referring to me)
hmmm im beginning to like this guy thu...but since that tym i knew that, i was avoiding him and i prefer to stay away from him..for a simple rison that idont want to complicate things between us...m juz so thankful ifound out this one before saying "yes" to his guy....
guyzz do u think im doing the ryt thing?,,,waaaahh HELP!