View Poll Results: Video Game Violence results in Today's Violence?

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  • Yes

    7 16.67%
  • No

    35 83.33%
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  1. #1

    Default Video Game Violence=!(not equal)Today's Violence

    Thread is created due to a "nearly" started flame war in software and games forum(because of GTA IV). Before you even vote YES on that post, read below because you are falling on the wrong ideology. This is going to be a debate thread

    Yes, you get it. Video Game Violence does not result into today's violence. Nearly all of the gaming forums that I have been associated with says this, its not whats causing the violence nowadays. All you hear in the media are just stereotypes, biases or media men that have nothing to say anymore but blame video games. Remember that the media and Attorney Jack Thompson blamed Virginia Tech massacre? it was all a false assumption. They said Cho trained in "Counter-Strike Half-Life"(duh dumb piece of sh*t) but how is it even possible for Cho to train in Counter Strike? you don't even get the right training to carry a firearm at Counter Strike, not even a recoil handling is taught.

    So my stance on this issue is: Video Game does not result in today's violence. Why?

    1. Video Games DO NOT teach people to murder, rape, arson, genocide, steal, destroy, die, gang rape and fill in the blanks. HOW COME? As I've said in my previous paragraph, Video Games does not give you a training of how to carry a firearm, how to hack someone in his/her back, how to rape people, how to do the missionary style, how to do a head shot, etc. It's just plain stupid. All that the game is giving you is FUN, FUN that is generated in your brain. Video Games only give you the keys to a certain action the game will do, not the instructions on how to aim a bazooka.

    For Jack Thompson blaming "Counter-Strike Half-Life" as a result of the Virginia Tech Massacre, I say he's lying. Cho didn't train at CS to be clear. Cho was a emotionally disturbed(he has a mental illness) korean kid that fantasized of murdering his own classmates. They have nothing to blame anymore that's why they're blaming video games. Tell me exactly how much is the crime rates related to video games? I say it does not even go over 10 cases. Tell me the figures of crime rates related to drugs, gangs, guns, simple murder, fill in the blanks, aren't they above 10 cases which supposed to be around hundred thousands or even millions?

    Read this one for the Virginia Tech Massacre at Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    2. Video Games INSTEAD keeps violent people from being violent. I say this a very big yes. Before I played video games when I was a kid(kindergarten as i remember), I was a bully in school. But when my dad introduced me to the family computer then I go a level higher, i wasn't a bully at all. I found myself to be a simple, silent guy. This experience of mine just don't prove my point, but studies have also proved that Video Games keeps violent people from being violent(I just cant find that article). Its because violent people can express their violence at video games where there is no limitation of being violent instead of expressing their violence at the real life where they can harm people. Video Games causes their violence to go lower, where they realize reality and virtual reality. When They realize it, they tend to keep and express their inner violence in the virtual reality rather than the real world. Simple isn't it? Just take me an example, a school bully to a silent guy thanks to video games.

    3. Video Games never contributed into crime rates. It is. When PlayStation was first released, was there any increase in the crime rates all over the world? How about when Mortal Kombat came out? GTA? Manhunt? I say the crime rates didn't even go up but instead it goes down. Take a look at this chart:

    See? Read more in this link, they have plenty of evidence about this issue at CAUTION: Childen at Play - The Truth About Violent Youth and Video Games

    4. Regarding those game ratings(Mature, Kids only, Teens), those ratings are used to measure violence. Violence that is present in video games. When a game is rated mature, it means that the level of violence is only for mature people where that kind of violence does not offend the audience. So if you're the type of guy/gal that easily gets offended by flying heads or flowing blood, don't get those games rated mature.

    5. Media biases EVERYTHING. I hope you guys have watched that news from Fox News where they labeled the game Mass Effect as Pornography WHICH IS NOT. Full Frontal Nudity, *** Positions, Etc.. They just give a damn just to get that Grammy Award for the best documentary and not for the truth. The truth is, they haven't even played Mass Effect. So whats the point that they are labeling Mass Effect as a virtual pornography when they haven't even tried it? Silly bastards...

    Read this to see that Fox News article and its critics at Pure Pwnage - 'taking n00bs to school since 2004'

    This is my argument so far. I hope I haven't forgotten facts that I would like to share. But if I may have forgotten some, I would post it here.

    To people that have voted YES in this poll, post here. We'll debate about it. And screw you to be honest.

    Ive been into gaming for almost 16 years and I HAVE NEVER COMMITTED A SINGLE CRIME. I even play games that is not permitted in my age but NEVER, IT NEVER HAPPENED THAT I DID A CRIME. So my stand once again is: Video Game Violence is not equal to Today's Violence.



    Have a good day

  2. #2
    Because we are poor, shall we be vicious? vern's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Why is this even a question/statement for anyone who knows the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground. I doubt very many Somalians are gaming too much then going out hacking each other.

  3. #3
    I guess there's 2 kinds of people in this world. One who can tell the difference between fantasy and reality, and the other doesn't. The ones who can't obviously needs mental help. The problem is they are not getting it or don't have access to one that easily. Which is really sad cause when tragedy occurs, no one bothers to check the mental state, family condition, and the environment the offender was living at. Everyone gives Jack Thompson a call right away to join his *****ic crusade.
    Last edited by obemon; 09-20-2008 at 07:47 AM.

  4. #4
    Sa tan-aw nako, ang mga violent nga mga tawo kay kadto mang mga pobre nga wala makahigayun ug skwela. Kadtong mga bata pa na expose na sa mga dautang bisyo ug environment, mga batang kalye ug mga out of school youths. Kay ang kasagaran nga makita nako nga magduwa ug video games mga studyante man ug katong mga maka afford. Dili man sila violent.

  5. #5
    it is society's fault not the video games. . .

  6. #6
    What's next?
    Blame corruption on Super Mario for collection a lot of coins?

    Long before computers exist violence is already there.

  7. #7
    game violence is cooler than the real one.. safer too.

  8. #8
    ignorante ug tanga ang mutuo intawn ani. ngano gud tawn related nang duha? so what if gacge ka duwa counter, like as if makakita kag pusil sa gawas. mayg ang panulis gitudlo sa counter! duh... kasagaran gali nuon anang mga tulisan ug unsa pa kay wala kaila unsay video game.

  9. #9
    umm kuan.. no? hehe

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by vern View Post
    Why is this even a question/statement for anyone who knows the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground. I doubt very many Somalians are gaming too much then going out hacking each other.
    LOL exactly.... Last time I checked, Hitler and Eichmann didn't play video games either.....

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