mga bro..!! PATAY na ko hapit,.
gpabuhat na pud mi ug database about sa profile sa student.,
tagae ko ninyo ug clue mga bro..,,
mga bro..!! PATAY na ko hapit,.
gpabuhat na pud mi ug database about sa profile sa student.,
tagae ko ninyo ug clue mga bro..,,
study lng sa mga basic SQL commands bai like SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, CREATE TABLE.. dali ra na..
SQL Introduction
mysql inyo gamit?
c++ man bro..
programming,. tagae ko ninyo ug clue...
study advance in Struct, reading and writing files... learning to write functions, and forget about pointers this time.
in ani?
HTML Code:#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<dos.h> class student { private: int id; char name[50]; double tel; public: student () { id=0; strcpy(name,""); tel=0; } void input() { cout<<" Enter The Name "; gets(name); cout<<endl; cout<<" Enter The Telephone "; cin>>tel; } void output() { gotoxy(6,2); cout<<" The ID is " <<id<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<" The Name is " <<name<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<" The Telephone is "<<tel<<endl; } int getid() { return id; } void setid(int ide) { id=ide; } void setname(char naam[50]) { strcpy(name,naam); } void student::view(int y) { gotoxy(6,2); cout<<"----ID----"; gotoxy(35,2); cout<<"----Name----"; gotoxy(63,2); cout<<"----Telephone----"; gotoxy(10,y); cout<<id; gotoxy(39,y); cout<<name; gotoxy(69,y); cout<<tel; } };student st[10]; void main() { clrscr(); int kamal=0; int start; int start2; _setcursortype(_NOCURSOR); start: gotoxy(30,9); cout<<" Add A Record "; gotoxy(30,10); cout<<" Search A Record "; gotoxy(30,11); cout<<" Delete A Record "; gotoxy(30,12); cout<<" Update A Record "; gotoxy(30,13); cout<<" View All Records "; int y=9; char key; gotoxy(28,y); cout<<"¯"; do { key =getch(); if(key==80 && y!=13) { gotoxy(28,y); cout<<" "; y++; gotoxy(28,y); cout<<"¯"; } else if(key==72 && y!=9) { gotoxy(28,y); cout<<" "; y--; gotoxy(28,y); cout<<"¯"; } else if(key==13 && y==9) { clrscr(); int id; int x=0; start2: clrscr(); cout<<"Enter the id "; cin>>id; cout<<endl; for(int c=0;c<10;c++) { if(st[c].getid()==id) { cout<<"This id already exists "; x=1; getch(); clrscr(); goto start2; } } if (x==0) { st[kamal].setid(id); st[kamal++].input(); } getch(); clrscr(); goto start; } else if(key==13 && y==10) { clrscr(); int ID; cout<<"Enter the ID "; cin>>ID; int x=0; for(int j=0;j<=10;j++) { if(st[j].getid()!=0) { if(st[j].getid()==ID) { st[j].output(); x=1; } } } if(x==0) { cout<<"record not found "; } getch(); clrscr(); goto start; } else if (key==13 && y==11) { int ID; int x=0; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter the id "; cin>>ID; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { if(st[i].getid()==ID) { st[i].setid(0); x=1; cout<<"Record has been deleted "; } } if(x==0) { cout<<"yeah record to hay hi naheen tu nay apna sirr delete karna hay kiya "; } getch(); clrscr(); goto start; } else if(key==13 && y==12) { clrscr(); int ID; cout<<"Enter the ID "; cin>>ID; int x=0; for(int j=0;j<=10;j++) { if(st[j].getid()!=0) { if(st[j].getid()==ID) { st[j].output(); x=1; char nname[50]; cout<<"Enter the new name "; gets(nname); st[j].setname(nname); cout<<endl; cout<<"record updated successfully "; } } } if(x==0) { cout<<"record not found "; } getch(); clrscr(); goto start; } else if(key==13 && y==13) { clrscr(); int y=3; for(int i=0;i<kamal;i++) { if(st[i].getid()!=0) { st[i].view(y); y++; } } getch(); clrscr(); goto start; } else if(key==27) { exit(0); } }while(1); }
Last edited by bryanarzaga; 09-15-2008 at 10:28 PM.
wrap your code![]()
bro ano compiler mo?
bordogoy, c language man ato gigamit, dli mn c++..![]()
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