View Poll Results: Which is the best university in Cebu? VOTE NOW!! battle it up!

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  • UC

    53 12.13%
  • UV

    12 2.75%
  • SWU

    17 3.89%
  • USC

    169 38.67%
  • USJR

    66 15.10%
  • CDU

    24 5.49%
  • USP

    5 1.14%
  • CIT

    37 8.47%
  • UP

    38 8.70%
  • CNU

    16 3.66%
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Results 11 to 20 of 509
  1. #11

    Natural and Applied Science
    USC(chemistry, physics, bio, marine bio)-->>Center of Development and Center of Excellence
    UP(bio and marine bio)--->>Center of Development and Center of Eexcellence
    Velez College(Human Biology)

    USC(CE, ChE, ME, IE, ECE)
    CIT(EE, ME, IE, ECE )
    USJ-R(IE, ME, EE)
    UC(CompE, ME)

    Information Technology
    CIT(center of excellence)
    UP(center of excellence)
    USJ-R(Center of Development)


    Architecture(based on Licensure exam)
    USC(no doubt)

    Law(based on Bar Exam)
    UC(relatively new but showed an excellent performance in the last two bar exams)

    USC(I maybe biased but I highly recommend this institution not because of its excellent
    track record in the board but most importantly is its vast research capabilities and has a strong consortium in European universities)
    hundred notches below

    CIM(average of 97%-100% in all the previous board examination)

    Velez College


    Velez College (*student selectivity,**CI to students ratio,*** based hospital)
    CNU (*student selectivity,**CI to students ratio)
    CDU (*excellent facilities, **based hospital)

    Teacher Education
    USC (Center of Excellence)-->>CHEDs' regional training center for Science and Math Education
    CNU(Center of Development)
    CIT(Center of Development)
    USJ-R(Center of Development)

    Marine and Naval Engineering
    UC-->>established and well known for its world class seafarers

    UV wai makalupig kai kinakusgan sa basketball kai dagkong kabaw) hahaha

    Just my two cents anywyz

  2. #12
    double post

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by ezekiel View Post
    Natural and Applied Science
    USC(chemistry, physics, bio, marine bio)-->>Center of Development and Center of Excellence
    UP(bio and marine bio)--->>Center of Development and Center of Eexcellence
    Velez College(Human Biology)

    USC(CE, ChE, ME, IE, ECE)
    CIT(EE, ME, IE, ECE )
    USJ-R(IE, ME, EE)
    UC(CompE, ME)

    Information Technology
    CIT(center of excellence)
    UP(center of excellence)
    USJ-R(Center of Development)


    Architecture(based on Licensure exam)
    USC(no doubt)

    Law(based on Bar Exam)
    UC(relatively new but showed an excellent performance in the last two bar exams)

    USC(I maybe biased but I highly recommend this institution not because of its excellent
    track record in the board but most importantly is its vast research capabilities and has a strong consortium in European universities)
    hundred notches below

    CIM(average of 97%-100% in all the previous board examination)

    Velez College


    Velez College (*student selectivity,**CI to students ratio,*** based hospital)
    CNU (*student selectivity,**CI to students ratio)
    CDU (*excellent facilities, **based hospital)

    Teacher Education
    USC (Center of Excellence)-->>CHEDs' regional training center for Science and Math Education
    CNU(Center of Development)
    CIT(Center of Development)
    USJ-R(Center of Development)

    Marine and Naval Engineering
    UC-->>established and well known for its world class seafarers

    UV wai makalupig kai kinakusgan sa basketball kai dagkong kabaw) hahaha

    Just my two cents anywyz

    Therefore conclusion overall? USC? hehehe... UV athletics rajud kutob? hehehe...

  4. #14
    ^^ I'll just leave it to your thought pal., everyone has its own opinion and I dont even claim that USC is the best

    I have a sister and cousins graduated in different learning institutions here in cebu(nurse, engineer, teachers, marine) and we treat each other with respect and I always I learn from them

  5. #15
    I voted for USJ-R (hehe biased). But if I were to vote for two, I would vote for USJ-R and USC kay both schools are Level III Paascu Accredited and have been granted Autonomous Status by CHED. Unsa pay lain university sa Cebu nga naay ing-ani di ba kana rang duha? By the way university diay nah ang CIT?

  6. #16
    @ Solidius

    ^^ its Cebu Institute of Medicine bai Level 4 PAASCU accredited and simply at par with the Philippines' premier universities (UP and UST)

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by ezekiel View Post
    ^^ its Cebu Institute of Medicine bai Level 4 PAASCU accredited and simply at par with the Philippines' premier universities (UP and UST)
    Yeah but it's not a university. It's an "institute".

  8. #18
    CNU --> kay didto ko graduate..hehe!

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Solidus View Post
    Yeah but it's not a university. It's an "institute".
    Yeah I Know.. I maybe misinformed since you're talking @bout PAASCU(Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools Colleges and Universities) sorry

  10. #20

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