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  1. #21

    Default Re: VB Debugging Brain Freeze!... HELP ASAP!

    Quote Originally Posted by 4U
    Private Sub mnu2Exit_Click()
    Â* Â* Â*Unload Me
    End Sub
    __________________________________________________ ___________________________

    Problem: After execution, the whole application will hang or pause. Please give me a solution ASAP?

    B w8ting... Tnx daan!

    mo-hang ni cya if you have other forms (especially child forms) nga still open/loaded...especially kanang mga hidden nga mga form...meaning, wala ma issue ang unload statement ana sa other forms...the quickest solution to this is to put an END command after the "Unload Me" statement...the longer, cleaner way is to insure that all loaded forms (hidden or not, child or not) have to be unloaded first..this way, you cannot introduce memory leaks on your application..

    hope this helps..

  2. #22

    Default Re: VB Debugging Brain Freeze!... HELP ASAP!

    I'll try... Tnx!

  3. #23

    Default Re: VB Debugging Brain Freeze!... HELP ASAP!

    bai, here is the right.
    gusto ka nga if the lost focus event will check the entry field.
    step 1:
    adto ka sa event nga onchange() or anyevent that it would lost focus.
    sa sulod procedure, here is the fragment.

    text1.onchange() event {
    text2.Enabled = (len(text1.txt) <> 0)

    if text1 entry is filled will goto the next entry. if not as-is disabled the entry.

    note: this is a procedure on how minimize ur codes.

  4. #24

    Default Re: VB Debugging Brain Freeze!!!... SHARE UR WISDOM...

    K... Tnx guys...

    Here is another problem i've encountered. Please HELP ASAP. Tnx!...

    ================================================== ==============

    Private Sub DB_PersonalProfile_WillMove(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)

    If DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.EOF = True Then
    ElseIf DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.BOF = True Then
    imgPhoto.Picture = LoadPicture(DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("P hoto"))
    lstSex.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("***")
    lstStatus.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Civil Status")
    dtpBirth_Date.Value = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Birth Date")
    lstNumb_Children.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Children Qty")
    End If

    End Sub

    ================================================== ==============

    Problem: The specified objects, in the Else of the IF ELSE Statement, will display or takes effect only after a 2nd move of the ADODC Object. What is the simpliest way to solve this problem?

    All you guys helped me a lot in my project. I'm just a newbie. Thanks so much & hope you can still help me on this too. Good Bless!...

  5. #25

    Default Re: VB Debugging Brain Freeze!!!... SHARE UR WISDOM...

    Quote Originally Posted by 4U
    K... Tnx guys...

    Here is another problem i've encountered. Please HELP ASAP. Tnx!...

    ================================================== ==============

    Private Sub DB_PersonalProfile_WillMove(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)

    If DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.EOF = True Then
    ElseIf DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.BOF = True Then
    imgPhoto.Picture = LoadPicture(DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("P hoto"))
    lstSex.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("***")
    lstStatus.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Civil Status")
    dtpBirth_Date.Value = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Birth Date")
    lstNumb_Children.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Children Qty")
    End If

    End Sub

    ================================================== ==============

    Problem: The specified objects, in the Else of the IF ELSE Statement, will display or takes effect only after a 2nd move of the ADODC Object. What is the simpliest way to solve this problem?

    All you guys helped me a lot in my project. I'm just a newbie. Thanks so much & hope you can still help me on this too. Good Bless!...

    if you are planning to populate ur fields with the first record of your recordset, then you can't achieve this on your current code...instead, use this code...

    ' OPen recordset here...

    if DB_PersonalProfile.State = adStateOpen then
    Â* if NOT (DB_PersonalProfile.BOF or DB_PersonalProfile.EOF) then
    Â* Â* imgPhoto.Picture = LoadPicture(DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("P hoto"))
    Â* Â* lstSex.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("***")
    Â* Â* lstStatus.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Civil Status")
    Â* Â* dtpBirth_Date.Value = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Birth Date")
    Â* Â* lstNumb_Children.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Children Qty")
    Â* else
    Â* Â* msgbox "No record found."
    Â* end if
    Â* msgbox "Could not open recordset."
    end if

    Private Sub DB_PersonalProfile_MoveComplete(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)

    If DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.EOF = True Then
    ElseIf DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.BOF = True Then
    imgPhoto.Picture = LoadPicture(DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("P hoto"))
    lstSex.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("***")
    lstStatus.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Civil Status")
    dtpBirth_Date.Value = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Birth Date")
    lstNumb_Children.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Children Qty")
    End If

    End Sub


    Â* Use the MoveComplete Event instead of your "WillMove" code just to be safer...

  6. #26

    Default Re: VB Debugging Brain Freeze!!!... SHARE UR WISDOM...

    K. I'll try it... Tnx again!

  7. #27

    Default Re: VB Debugging Brain Freeze!!!... SHARE UR WISDOM...

    Another Brain Freeze Delivery...

    Problem: Everytime i do this...

    Private Sub cmdNew_Click()
    Call cmdEdit_Click
    txtClickPhoto.Visible = True
    imgPhoto.Enabled = True
    cmdSave.TabStop = False
    cmdNew.TabStop = False
    cmdEdit.TabStop = False
    cmdDelete.TabStop = False
    cmdSearch.TabStop = False
    cmdExit.TabStop = False
    lstSex.Text = ""
    lstStatus.Text = ""
    dtpBirth_Date.Value = Date
    lstNumb_Children.Text = ""
    End Sub

    ... This Error appears: Type Mismatch

    Private Sub DB_PersonalProfile_MoveComplete(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)
    If DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.EOF = True Then
    ElseIf DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.BOF = True Then

    imgPhoto.Picture =Â* LoadPicture(DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("P hoto"))
    lstSex.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("***")
    lstStatus.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Civil Status")
    dtpBirth_Date.Value = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Birth Date")
    lstNumb_Children.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Children Qty")
    End If
    End Sub

    ================================================== ========


  8. #28

    Default Re: VB Debugging Brain Freeze!!!... SHARE UR WISDOM...

    Quote Originally Posted by 4U
    Another Brain Freeze Delivery...

    Problem: Everytime i do this...

    Private Sub cmdNew_Click()
    Call cmdEdit_Click
    txtClickPhoto.Visible = True
    imgPhoto.Enabled = True
    cmdSave.TabStop = False
    cmdNew.TabStop = False
    cmdEdit.TabStop = False
    cmdDelete.TabStop = False
    cmdSearch.TabStop = False
    cmdExit.TabStop = False
    lstSex.Text = ""
    lstStatus.Text = ""
    dtpBirth_Date.Value = Date
    lstNumb_Children.Text = ""
    End Sub

    ... This Error appears: Type Mismatch

    Private Sub DB_PersonalProfile_MoveComplete(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset)
    If DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.EOF = True Then
    ElseIf DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.BOF = True Then

    imgPhoto.Picture =Â* LoadPicture(DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("P hoto"))
    lstSex.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("***")
    lstStatus.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Civil Status")
    dtpBirth_Date.Value = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Birth Date")
    lstNumb_Children.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Children Qty")
    End If
    End Sub

    ================================================== ========


    dear 4U, "Type Mismatch is a common error telling that there is mismatch of data types being entered to a recordset. for ex. you cannot enter/save a string variable to a numeric type. or maybe there is a NULL value being entered to the recordset that can't be.
    retrace/check ur codes. =>

  9. #29

    Default Re: VB Debugging Brain Freeze!!!... SHARE UR WISDOM...

    @4u: try this

    lstSex.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("***") & ""
    lstStatus.Text = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Civil Status") & ""
    dtpBirth_Date.Value = DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Birth Date")
    lstNumb_Children.Text = format$(DB_PersonalProfile.Recordset.Fields("Child ren Qty"),"###,###,##0")

  10. #30

    Default Re: VB Debugging Brain Freeze!!!... SHARE UR WISDOM...

    K. I'll try it out...

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