anyone can help me about this business. Im willing to know...
anyone can help me about this business. Im willing to know...
never heard of a Networking Business that lasted over 5 years. so ako maluoy sa mga downlines.
but i know an International Network Marketing that has 28 yrs. of experience and still existed until today. in fact I'm one of the supervisors of a company. if you want to join, just pm or txt me at 09179671565 or pm me at YM (![]()
hey....their is no such what we called Networking business...walay NETWORKING NA BUSINESS..
ang networking is a marketing strategy ...mao ako dili ko madala ana mga pakitaon ta ug income na dagko kaayo pero wala savings....ang kuyaw kung mawala ang comapany unya mawala pa gyud ang mga tawo..unya makabalo lang ta nga naana sad sila sa lain na business....carefulllllllllllll
Networking is like communism.
Tasty on the outside, rotten on the inside.
Never base your decision on theory. Base it on actual experiences of people. Most likely, you'll find bitterness about being "nailad", or worse, if they are too ashamed to admit, they'll tell you they don't have time to engage in this kind of business anymore.
It is the surest way to drive your friends and family away from you.
i've heard of DXN for god knows how long it was but i never heard of it for the past few years and recently.![]()
istoryans..networking is not bad, its just one way of marketing a product. The problem with networking business is that most of them gave emphasis to networking and not the product that they are selling. That is why most of them wont last long, kay kung walay klaro imo product unsaon man nimo pagdugay diha na business. Example, famous brand like coke, kung ang style sa marketing sa coke kay networking, what do you think will happen? bisag mo saturate ang market sa coke it will still continue to profit kay nindot man ang product, daghan gihapon mo inom ug coke bisag asa sa pinas, bisag wala nakay ma recruit, naa gihapon mo palit. Pero kung mobaligya ka ug product na walay klaro, ang style sa uban kay mo focus sila sa networking, kay kuno naa sila 2k or 1k every pair na downline, kung mo saturate na ang market kay wala nay ma recruit, mao ng manira lang ug kalit kay wa nay mopalit kay in the first place gamay lang ang nigamit sa product.... Ang priciple lang dyud ana is work hard, kay kung dili ka magkugi just like any other business, malugi lang na gihapon... this is just my opinion, baw
just an advice sa mga tao na gusto musulod ani na business, tan-awa ninyo ang product na gibaliya kung maayo ba ang quality, naa ba sila tarong R&D or well funded ba ang company...kay kung nindot ang product you dont need to recruit, pwede raka mag retail...ang imo ma recruit kay mahulog na bonus nana nimo....careful lang dyud mo.
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