hmmm, so what do you want to happen bro?
i mean do u want to know an explanation of why these things are happening
or do you want to find confirmation if these are indeed paranormal occurrences?
if you need a venue to tell all ur extraordinary expereinces without being judged
log on to
Cebu Paranormal Society - Index
other questions:
is ur sister a teen ager? how is your relationship with her?
how is the relationship of your sister with the rest of the family members?
(i have reasons why i asked this... i will tell you why after you answer)
there's no harm if one consults a psychiatrist every now and then...
in this uncertain reality, we have to check wether we have our feet flat on the floor
or else persist in living in this reality
you see, psychism does not tells us to choose an alternate reality over the present physical reality
clairvoyance, gustance, empthy audience..etc etc
just add depths to your perception of the present physical reality
just like a rock...it is still a rock
with clairvoyance, it is still a rock with an energy field enveloping around it..it is not something else
that energy one sees in clairvoyance can be used for other things...(that's where witchcraft comes in)
and if one does it to realize one's true self..then it becomes a spiritual practice
where does insanity comes in?
in my vocabulary, it comes in when one refuses to accept the present physical reality
that then becomes a form of escapism...and becomes a mental disorder
to refuse one's own perception of things is just like lying to yourself...
no great psychic, true witch or zealous spiritual practitioner can ever lie to oneself that long
it reesults in degradation to one's own psyche and results really to either
being mentally disturbed, physically ill, antisocial, chronically depressed, or else stop pretending
most "psychologically disturbed ppl" would refuse to admit that they need help
so it's better really to always check...better to consult an expert every now and then
it helps!