ako d-ay!!!hahahaa,,,
Markepogi love
ako d-ay!!!hahahaa,,,
We will try to create a poll for this. But hopefully everyone will join and share their views, most especially for those newbies. Let's be sensible and factual. Let's base it from the nominated iStoryan's post. You may quote their catchy,sensitive and factual post as a basis for your vote.Post it here.
"every time you look at me wid those innocent eyes i can tell myself that ive been good to the world because i hav an angel wid me now..i might get a little bit stupid for sleeping beside you and stare at ur beautiful face but baeybe pls let's the only time that i can call u rather be wid u like dis and savor each moment dan hug her wid a so damn for not coming into ur life the time that wer both free,..i could have loved you more...let me kiss you and sleep wid you tonight,,hug me tight and don't ever let me go,..i don't wanna leave pls hold on.."
"when i feLL in Love with u, theRe was a Lot mOre to it than Just i miss u anD i care...
and it wasNt Long b4 i kneW thAt this waS nO Ordinary Love... whAt i feLt for yOu was strOnger anD deePer anD mOre impOrtant thaN anythinG that ive ever knOwn... "
^hehe.. mao rman jud gud ni sila ang mga kus-gan kaayo sa lov is.. haha! knsa pa kaha pwd sa??
This poll will only be good for 100 days. Please vote. Reminder please minimize OT's. Don't forget to quote their respective posts that highly catches your attention. Happy voting.
aw unsa ba,naa naman diay poll
vote namo istoryans.. he he... 2 paman nivote uy...
Vote na mu uy labi na newbies. Your votes will make a difference. Btw, EXPLAIN kmu ha why inu vote nia
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