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  1. #1

    Default Can you point me where ICAC is?

    im aspiring to open a cafe and i want it to have a legal OS and games. i heard from several friends that they are the people to go to.. so i was wondering if where can i reach them.. i hope you people can point me the way to where i could reach them, where their office is located, their office contact #... thnx alot!

    BTW i would to ask also where i could find AMDG coz im planning to get legal games from them... thnx alot people!

    and also am i at the right place to post this? or if not where could i post this?

    PEACE up!
    A-Town Down!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Can you point me where ICAC is?

    ICAC's office is located in TESDA-BANILAD.
    phone number 4127778. look for Krishna.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Can you point me where ICAC is?

    ahhh ok naa rah d i cla sa TESDA? ok thnx! and may i ask if you dont mind.. where did you catch their info? do you work for them or work with them? o are you amember?
    THNX gyud kau sa info! it was very helpfull!

    BTW mga pips how bout AMDG?

    PEACE Up!
    A-Town Down!!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Can you point me where ICAC is?

    AMDG (asian media development group) -> korek bah..hehehe

    anyway.. naa ko cel no. ni linda sa PNGA(Phil. network gaming alliance) - distributor sa AMDG games.. pero leyte ni. u can ask nila sa cebu.. or any contacts near your place.. txt her nlng.. 09179196707

  5. #5

    Default Re: Can you point me where ICAC is?

    okiez! drkhero tnx!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Can you point me where ICAC is?

    ur welcome bro!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Can you point me where ICAC is?

    about AMDG games, pwede ko ninyo ma kontak through PM... ako ihatag ako number^^
    you can order through me kay nag retail sad ko ug AMDG games... prices are the same sa ilaha... actually most AMDG games' prices are lower than sa DATABLITZ... just compare...heres me post...Â* Â*

  8.    Advertisement

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