To all Mindanaoans and Filipinos concerned:
Didn't you ever wonder...
...Why the U.S. removed the MILF from its terrorist list?
...Why the U.S. Navy, Army and Marines still has a strong but quiet contingent in areas throughout Western Mindanao but never engages in any firefight with the MILF despite the close proximity?
...Why Ambassador Kristie Kenney unnecessarily visited an MILF stronghold a few weeks ago?
...Why the United States government wouldn't allow the Philippines Armed Forces to go on a full scale war against the MILF?
...Why the US goverment heavily invested in General Santos City's infrastructure (international airport, highways, etc) without a clear source of return on capital expenditure?
...Why a planned 3-part episode of Mike Enriquez' Imbestigador covering the U.S. military's and the CIA's presence in Mindanao was cut short to only an episode a few years ago?
...Why the powers that be (both the U.S. and Philippine governments) aren't really serious in developing Mindanao?
...Why the U.S. is strongly but quietly supporting this MOA-BJE?
Hydrocarbons. Pure, unadulterated crude oil. The lifeblood of the developed nations. Without which, the economies of the first world will collapse.
Sulu Sea has very abundant oil deposits under its seabed. Discovered by the Americans almost two decades ago, deliberate and cautious planning was done to maintain the instability the Americans needed to create misdirection while they drill the oil offshore.
Oil is of the utmost strategic importance for both the American government and, to an extent, to the Philippine government. The MILF or the so called "war" in Mindanao is of no importance to the powers that be as long as drilling of oil is not interfered with.
I hope this gives everyone a new and different perspective. I hope no one gets hurt. It's just business.
Thanks and best regards,
Lanao Norte raid exposed MILF's weakness - Carlos Conde