how can there be good... if there's no evil
Correct!Originally Posted by CrasHBURN
ڤيكتور البَرت جَبيلاغين
god created evil para naa mi mabadlong kay kong puro nalang mi gud wala nami trabaho mga good
who said christians wrote the Bible? the people who wrote the Bible were inspired by God and not by any religion. And if you read the Bible, it never talked about any religion. It talks about the love of God, and thats the answer to your Big question...Originally Posted by Visual C#
answer in advance:
y there is religion? ask the people around you why there is religion. God never created religion. Man did.
do i have to say sumfin againI need to be blank and shut up...this thread leads to nowhere..maypa matulog... :mrgreen:
we do good things because of mahadlok ta nga moadto ta sa hell because sa atong nabuhat nga sala.... but what do u think about doing good things na dili ta mag salig nga naay ihatag nato nga prize gikan kang God cause we did a good work. just be your self do good things becuase it is the right thing to do.just think of it now or suffer tomorrow.
hehhe maypa jud para malayo ka sa mga evil... hehheheOriginally Posted by Bigfoot Oracle
man did created religion. its an opium of mankind. because of religion, these poor earthlings were under a command of a society in which this society they referred as "holy" daw. it manipulates earthlings and thus, most of the truth in which earthlings were trying to search were hidden..............suppression....
10% tithes eh? wtihout tax? lol!
religion is all overhyped. look at that group of nuns that stay in the convent all day and pray, people would probably think those poor girls are going all to heaven, but i dont think they can do that all their lives, they'd probably stray off and do something better with their lives. and who can blame them? look at bishop bacani. couldnt handle his libido all those desolated years.
people who have close minds would say that this thread is useless.. it is because they are afraid to change their belief if they discover new things..
religion is made to control human disires inorder to have a good life "in their own perspective".. they brand things which they dont understand as EVIL.. and yet they them selves keeps on commiting the same mistakes over and over again then they asked god's forgiveness over and over again.. what do you call this? .... its called HYPOCRISY!..
they often disect then judge people according to what they see or in countered for the first time.. they dont bother to know the real reason of the person, on why he did such a thing... people like them are selfrighteous.. selfcentered.. and has a Unbearable amount of PRIDE.. which makes arguing useless.
he who seeks the real true opens not just the door but including the windows...
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