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  1. #51
    Elite Member Soul_Captive's Avatar
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    Honestly, I think it is because women are smarter enough to know the advantages and benefits of monogamous relationships and are disciplined enough in dealing with their animalistic urges for the good of everyone and not just themselves..Which are actually additional reasons for you to think that we are superior..And thanks for that compliment, by the way..I take it seriously

  2. #52
    basin. maybe you are the next step in the evolutionary ladder. basin ma phased out ang tanan laki sa kalibutan. :O hahah.... hala, unsaon nalang na ninyo? every passing year the ratio to men vs women is increased. last i heard 1:17 daw. maybe that justifies polygamy?

  3. #53
    C.I.A. rodsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soul_Captive View Post
    ...and are disciplined enough...
    That has nothing to do with discipline. It's how human beings evolved. Read this:

    Ergo, women have better capacity or are in a better condition to do decision-making, simply because they weren't "tagged" in the role of the hunter.


  4. #54
    Elite Member Soul_Captive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tokidoki View Post
    basin. maybe you are the next step in the evolutionary ladder. basin ma phased out ang tanan laki sa kalibutan. :O hahah.... hala, unsaon nalang na ninyo? every passing year the ratio to men vs women is increased. last i heard 1:17 daw. maybe that justifies polygamy?
    That's not as scary as you make it sound..Women can live without men..And the ratio you mentioned maybe the cause of polygamy but it does not provide enough justification for the act..It just serves as one logical excuse guys can use for their uncontrollable urges..peace man!

  5. #55
    Elite Member Soul_Captive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodsky View Post
    That has nothing to do with discipline. It's how human beings evolved. Read this:

    Ergo, women have better capacity or are in a better condition to do decision-making, simply because they weren't "tagged" in the role of the hunter.

    Are you saying that the capacity for better decision making is not necessary for you, hunters? I don't think it has anything to do with evolution as much as it has nothing to do with tokidoki's instincts..Honestly, I do not understand all the points you presented in that link, but I had another impression out of it..It is another attempt to justify polygamy without making the self responsible for it..

  6. #56
    whoa! dude that was a cool argument! cheers! perhaps my thread is just a variant of that one except that we are not isolated to men only.

    hmm...that explains the confusion of our imaginary psychologist here. there are some things we do learn in the past that are evidently inherited by future generations. thus what has been learned becomes instinct in future generations to come. :-/ my guess is some animals inherit more knowledge than others but that's just my speculation. Ostriches weren't taught to count but every day they count their eggs and immediately know if somehing is amiss. Next in line are the offsprings who consequentially learn to count as well. Why can't babies inherit the knowlege of their parents? It would save us the time from going to school. hahah...

    hmm.... esep esep.... kalawm na ani na topic.

    there are just too many things in this world that we still don't understand gyud.

  7. #57
    C.I.A. rodsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soul_Captive View Post
    Are you saying that the capacity for better decision making is not necessary for you, hunters?
    Did I even ever IMPLY that it's not necessary? I meant that it's diminished. Let me give you an example. For instance, just because my emotions are less "energetic" (i.e. diminished) than most people, doesn't necessarily mean you won't see me crying. Get it?

    And btw, IMHO, "excuse" is an overused word in relationships--it's a tool used by women to make men feel as if they have done something irresponsible, when on the contrary, men who are indeed mature do act responsibly, and whatever mistakes they did in the past, they simply live with it, unlike some members of the female race who feel they have to suffer for making that decision for the rest of their lives and thus choose to continue living miserably. To these women, I say, life is huge...move on, lots of stuff to do out there. Carpe diem.

    Last edited by rodsky; 08-13-2008 at 12:20 PM.

  8. #58
    Elite Member Soul_Captive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodsky View Post
    Did I even ever IMPLY that it's not necessary? I meant that it's diminished. Let me give you an example. For instance, just because my emotions are less "energetic" (i.e. diminished) than most people, doesn't necessarily mean you won't see me crying. Get it?

    I get this, but I still do not understand what you meant when you said that women are in better condition for decision-making because they were not tagged as hunters..Does it follow that the hunters are not in good condition for decision-making?

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by Soul_Captive View Post
    That's not as scary as you make it sound..Women can live without men..And the ratio you mentioned maybe the cause of polygamy but it does not provide enough justification for the act..It just serves as one logical excuse guys can use for their uncontrollable urges..peace man!
    Well, that's just you. Basin ma tamparosan ka ug lain babae for saying that nya mo ingon siya: "buang ka?! wala nai laki sa kalibutan?! di ko mabuhi ana, promise!" Unless you're into lesbian love. heheh.. i was kidding about the last part though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Soul_Captive View Post
    Are you saying that the capacity for better decision making is not necessary for you, hunters? I don't think it has anything to do with evolution as much as it has nothing to do with tokidoki's instincts..Honestly, I do not understand all the points you presented in that link, but I had another impression out of it..It is another attempt to justify polygamy without making the self responsible for it..
    Kalma lang. He wasn't talking about polygamy (at least to me i think he wasn't). I get his point, you said women can think better than men. He presented his explanation. Early in time men were more on aggression than analysis (but not total absence of it, of course). It doesn't take that much thinking to take down a sabre-tooth or a mammoth. Hence, the age-old tagline "brains & brawn". every person in early society played a role. So a man who wasn't a hunter in a tribe doesn't inherit, of course, the aggression of his other versions. But even back then mas init baya ug ulo ang laki compared sa babae.

    But I always believed if you don't exercise your brain, you are more reslient to many forms of manipulation - temptation included. So maybe the guys who are monogamus have a sturdier mind? Maybe lang pud. However, that doesn't mean they don't cheat. perhaps they also have their own sexual desires.
    Last edited by tokidoki; 08-13-2008 at 12:36 PM.

  10. #60
    C.I.A. rodsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soul_Captive View Post
    I get this, but I still do not understand what you meant when you said that women are in better condition for decision-making because they were not tagged as hunters..Does it follow that the hunters are not in good condition for decision-making?
    There is a HUGE difference between a neanderthal and a man who is living in 2008. While instinct still prevails (PROOF: one still tends to duck/take cover when you hear a very loud bang, or lightning right?), the human race has evolved to a point wherein the instincts of "hunter" and "gatherer" have been tempered by sound decision making brought about by developments in what we now call philosophy and science. This means, back in the past, yes, a neanderthal or Homo Erectus hunter would have a hard time making domestic decisions or personal decisions simply because the hunter instinct teaches him to just go-go-go. However, we are now Homo Sapiens, and that rough hunter mentality has been smoothed on the edges by what we have learned throughout history. But we indeed still retain fragments of it, and that's why, if an important domestic or personal decision is to be made, and we have a man and a woman seated in front of a table, chance are, if you ask them how they analyzed the problem and how they came up with a decision, their methods of approach would differ, because of the influence of that deep-rooted instinct we still carry from the stone age.


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