u can use discwizard for that.
@AMDInfinium: unsaon na ang low-level format tol?
low level format is not the Professional Software for HDD repair, it can onlly deal with logical bad sectors (not the physical bads). same is true for DiscWizard, and all other utilities posted by HDD manufacturers at their websites.Originally Posted by AMD_infinium05æ
unfortunately, there's no quick & easy way to repair broken hard disks if u don't have the experience & professional HDD repair tools.
ni try ko discwizard mga pre sa seagate pero d man sya mu repair... mu scan raman... saon apg repair?
discwizard is not a repari tool... diagnostics lang... it cAnt reliably fix HD's....
as what i've said... only professional softwares can restore HDs....
PM ruelnov.... he's the repairman of HD and motherboard.
try to use (DM) disk manager....
search google for your queries and it will definitely give you links of the softwares that can do the job. then just go to torrent sites to download that softwares and its crack as well. other softwares offers trial for a couple of days or months. you can also use that.I've done that before and I already have some stuffs here in repairing/recovering hdd's but i'm not as good as master ruelnov... He is still the master kay naa koy wla naayo nga siya ray naka ayo... GOODLUCK!
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