yellow cab, but it gets too oily at times, da vinci, i love the spicy shawarma
yellow cab, but it gets too oily at times, da vinci, i love the spicy shawarma
Gud day Slakker !
Am glad for your fren in NY- cos dey normally falo d rules on handwashing after using the toilet. And there are always signs put up in ol der restrooms to wash der hands before going back to work cos its the LAW. But that's there- and this is here. Can u honest to gudness say- mang hugas na sila ug kamot dinhi sa P.I. ?. Most ( not ol ) men probably don't even wash after dey pee. Ewwwwwwww.
Today show on ETC the other day mentioned a survey conducted in the U.S. ONLY 17 % of the men surveyed actually washed their hands after they had peed. Only a bit higher for the women. Double ewwwwww ! !
you guys ive just tried la tegola pizza sa banilad ! lami-a oi!!!!!!!!!
Round table and Amici PIzza....Yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy y!
i am not crazy over pizza but i can never say no to a spicy shawarma sa da vinci. yummy! :mrgreen:
shakey's - shakey's special (my fave!)
california pizza kitchen - i hope they put up one here!!!
itallianni's - four cheese
sbarro - white cheese
check this out --->
Try grilling your own pizza. Don't claim it to be the best pizza but it is different from your run of the mill Chuck E. Cheeses.
Good taste and price...MOMMY`S Pizza...
Lami ang JCA ug kana tyulod tulod , mao ba na ang MOMMY'S ?
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
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