suggestion, pester PLDT's DSL helpline everyday until they fix everything up.
suggestion, pester PLDT's DSL helpline everyday until they fix everything up.
tang ina nang pldt. the last 2 yrs have been a breeze pro katon mura nag inotil. Kusog hinay kusog hinyay in the last 5 months. tang ina!
Imposible man imbeded ang virus ug trojan sa globe kay industrial strength man ang ilang firewall ug virus blocker. Naay instance na mainfect ang ilang server like any server in the world, including PLDT, pero quick man ang ilang response.Originally Posted by makusama
We just installed Globe aDSL, wala gyud mi problema. Grabe ang mga firewall ug antivirus programs namo when we connect as a precaution. We subscribed the 384kbps but most of the time reached the 500+ kbps speed.
Kung inig connect nimo naay trojan warning or virus upload or download it means infected na daan imo computer, not because of Globe. Mao gyud na primary complain sa mga ISP pero kung huna-hunaon nimo igo ra man na sila mo hatag ug connection, ikaw na may bahala kung unsa imo i-visit na site or i-download na mga files.
One thing that impressed me with globe NOW is that cebu based na ilang connection. Dili na sila mo-rely sa Manila for the source. Kanang past experience nila na sige guba ang globe, kato nang Manila pa ila source. Mao na sa PLDT maskin unsaon nimog tawag ug complain, wala na sila mahimo kay igo ra na sila mo report sa manila ug unsa problema.
Sa karon, para nako, nalupigan na ang PLDT.Â* :mrgreen:
naa nana daan sa iyang computer.
style ana kung guba imo connection.. sakto ingon ni chronnus.. balik baliki tawag.. unya dapat pakita nimo nga you mean business.. pabalo nimo sa ila unsa naka ka lagot sa situation.. ingna nga di nimo bayaran kung di nila ma tarong.
mao... kay sayang jud kaayo da... mura kag gabayad ug hangin ana
ako pldt akong gamit mga 1year 6 months na! pero wala gyud klaro ang service!!
plano nako ug balhin ug globe.........
ok bakaha ang globe??
well im not so sure... when i call em.,. the operator told me theres no prob.. but actually theres alot of kawatkawat cable happining in manila... thats what i heard
i experienced this with GLOBELINES too...8 days straight without INternet they said they had problems with SERVERSOriginally Posted by P-Chan
they gave me a rebate for only 500 pesos something and its not as if a total of 192 hours without internet connection wont give u a headache and will just be compensated with a 500 peso something REBATE
these people are monopolizing broadband service but wait till the market becomes more spread out...we will turn to other broadband providers soon :P
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