Hi mga bros...Almost done with the setupmusta boss John? audi nya ta imo vios(apil hikap hahahahahaha)
For subs, given ang three options (LA, RF, DLS) I would choose between LA and RF only. Naa koy daghan kaila naggamit ug DLS na amps but wala ko ka suway pud ana. RF really has good value sa monoblocs nila. I recently swtiched from RF to Sundown not because of any bad experience with RF mind you. if wala lang gyud to na daut, i would still probably be using it.
oh ic,., regarding DLS amps my tito told me "gamy ug wattage but USA made amp" daw, does it make any diiference if its from USA??
no doubt on RF so far so good pa ako RF recently,hehhe RF power T400-4,
i have a CV seps now, and maybe il put the RF on it na,., and find another amp for still not decided subs to use
hmmm, lisud pud na imohang pangutana da. I didn't know that DLS was made in the US.... hmmmm.... there are a lot of exotic brands out there that are specifically engineered and made in the U.S. but majority of the amps you find in the market are engineered outside of asia but made in Asia kay production costs are cheaper here.
If its engineered or designed or even made in the U.S or europe for that matter, it may have a distinct advantage kay specialization is recquired to design these sophisticated equipments.
I believe DLS is made in SWEDEN.
Baluyotxp where did you get your Sundown Amps from?
DLS isn't U.S. made, glide is right. they're made in sweden. DLS amps are very good amps but I wouldn't go near their subs.
thanks for the info. Those sundowns are nice i hear especially the xover (nice range). What is the build quality like? looks "bland" in appearance but im sure they are built well like all US made amps.
ccc111, yup DLS amps are very good, would like to have an A6, A4, and A3 in an active setup.
Have'nt heard good feedback on the subs though.
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