what's next? man and animal? man and machine?
what's next? man and animal? man and machine?
Unsa man diay nga religion bro ang ni allow sa same *** marriage?pahibaw a daw ko be kay wla pa ko ka dungog ana.nadunggan nako states pa man sa nasud.
Same *** marriage moving forward?Nag move backward ka bro.Tan awa ang history.Dapat unta mag move forward ,katong nag padung sa katin aw ang utok dili kay padung pag ka abno.
Abnormal ang tawong mopakasal sa parehas niya kay kung tarong pa ang iyang utok kabalo siya nga parehas lang sila ug budbud ug bibingka.
Inhuman kay murag hayop ang tawong mo practice ani.Bitaw bro.Are you gay?
There are now five countries in the world where you can wed as a same-*** couple:
The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa (law has passed, but weddings deferred one year; begin Dec 06). As well, it is at least temporarily legal in the US state of Massachusetts. There are residency requirements in The Netherlands, Belgium and Massachusetts. There are no residency requirements in Canada or Spain. We are not yet certain about South Africa.
Same-*** Marriage | Gay Marriage | Queer Marriage
I hope dili ni madayon sa pinas intawon oi hehe. Basta I have nothing against homos but gay marriage should be a no in the country.
Dapat malipay ni nga mga homos kay para lain lain partner kay dili man minyo hehehe
hala cge katong mga bayot nga ganahan mag move move forward pa dayon mo ug push ....si God lang bahala sa inyong SOULS after death ! so HAPPY HAPPY sa mo para ma marry mo.....then kato ganahan ug happines ug animals marriage kamo next,,,,,then unsa pa ganahan mga kinatok sa mga church padayon!! Ang Ginoo lang bahala sa inyo pag human sa tanan.
"please were trying to move forward as a society here, and seperating the church from the state is one of the steps to move forward"
1) Where talking about marriage how in the world can you separate the church/religion from marriage ang pag minyo dili raman na mag sign ug paper,,,, e bless man gyapon na bisan sa civil by the judge ang mag bless!! Union of soul in holy matrimony na,,,,, dili ra ballpen ang master sa pag minyo.
2) kato countries nga nag allow ani the person that pushed with this kay klaro kaayo Political reason ...... maybe gay pud siya or daghan gay sa ila country and a nice move to win their votes!!
kanang mga tawo or church nga nag allow ani na sudlan nani sila sa yawa!
Pa liberated liberated and open minded !
"remember ur church is not the only religion in the philippines, so you must repect the religion of others and give them equal rights... "
Mmmmm.... the topic is "CATHOLIC protesting against gay marriage "
But on that note What religion allows this gay marriage
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and loses his own soul?” Mark 8:36
I dont know who YOUR GOD is ??
"mockery alone is not enough grounds to prevent other people enjoying theyre happines and freedom.. got it?! " Kuyaw kaayo ni nga statement nimo oi!!!
KUYAW gyud !! you talk as if your more powerful than God??
Thats a direct insult to Gods teachings !! We are mere man and to go against Gods teaching is blasphemy! I dont know if all you people realize this!
No to gay marriage !!!!
the END .
hmm topic is: catholics are protesting same *** marriage right? and some have spoken about respect. if catholics dont want same *** marriage, they're entitled to that. coz thats waht they believe in. theyr entitled to some respect also.
problem is: in the Philippines, the Roman Catholic Church is so influential that separation of church and state seems to be impossible. and same *** marriage is way too remote in the minds of our lawmakers. not only because most of them are catholics or christians, but that has been the practice since time immemorial. bayi and laki ra jud. tan-awa gud atong family law. it speaks of marriage as a special contract "between a man and a woman." so i think that in our country, it is improbable that same *** marriage will be allowed.
Jolibee, si Barney gihimo para sa mga bata ug dili para nimo.
dili man cguro ka isip-bata para patulan si Barney if that mascot offends you.
same *** marriage is a different topic, don't compare it to the usual things you see around.
It's so odd that you talk about respect all the time.
If you want to be respected do not attack what the Catholic church believes in.
If you don't believe in God, be silent.
I approve !
Na unsa na gyud ni sila mga bayot oi ?!!
Katawa jud ko ani ni jollibee cge ug ingon .... " please we trying to move forward as a society here"cge lakaw lang move forward as you said kuyog imong mga supporters deritso lang jud ayaw hunong diretso sa pier ! ayaw jud hunong ha.hehehe!
ganahan na gyud sila mag mock sa religion then cge mag ingon nga mag show ta ug RESPECT para sa ila happiness,,,,, wala man gani sila nag respect sa Ginoo!!!!!
e challenge pa gyud ninyo what is written in the bible and the laws sa religion Mora mo ug attorney mo sa devil?
Menatal illness man gyud ni ang homosexuality ! mga uban vayot mag panty uban tomboy mag brief!
unsa naman ni oi ang kalibutan!
quoted from jollibee.First of all I am not gay, If i were then i would not shy away from it... I'm just disturbed and pissed with christian groups who are protesting with gay marriage....
I think you should step out of the closet and show your butterfly colors!!
because by keeping it in you will only be miserable and grumpy like you are now.
angry with the world!
Same *** marriage, if the law will allowed it, churches can't do anything but not to do the ceremony.
Let them be what they are... wa ta mahims ana.
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