Originally Posted by
Traditions as taught by them the apostles and the NT writers, traditions that don't contradict the Scriptures. NOT the ones taught by the apostates who were supposedly prominent theologians.
YOUR PERSONAL INTERPRETATION again. How do you know that these theologians really contradict the Scriptures? More likely, they only contradict your personal (and error-prone) interpretation of the Scriptures.
In fact, since you seem to think that everything we should believe as Chrsitians is to be found in the Scriptures, and that it is the final rule of faith, then
I challenge you to show me even ONE VERSE that EXPLICITLY and UNEQUIVIOCALLY states that the Bible alone is the source of Christian truth (or the "rule of faith", as Martin Luther put it).
You can't can you? I thought so.
Originally Posted by
Per se he wasn't saying "faith and works" but he was saying that you aren't faithful at all if you don't have any deeds to back you up.
Now you're twisting things to suit your PERSONAL interpeetation again. That's NOT what it says. It says quite clearly that you need both faith AND works:
"Do you want proof, you ignoramus, that faith without works is useless?"
There's nothing there about the lack of works being the equivalent of not being faithful.
Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate my
faith to you from my works.
It's pretty clear there that works demonstrates that one has faith. But there's nothing that says what you claim it says. Your personal interpretation is just YOUR own, and it is very far from being infallible.
So, let's see how you can prove your perosnal interpretations are infallible.
Again, you CAN'T.