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  1. #81

    Quote Originally Posted by Jollibee View Post
    ... im very much interested on a link on where did you come up with this conclusions
    LOLS. you couldn't even understand the last sentence that you quoted. and by the way, those aren't "my" conclusions. I'm perfectly satisfied on how I view homo marriages. I need not read more.

    oh yeah, there are pros in homo marriages but the disadvantages just faaar outweighs. much worse mind you.

    btw,it came from the very society that you,me,and everybody else live in. Those are already keywords. type it on Mr. Google and you'll get alota materials to read on the aformentioned. type it on Yahoo and you'll get more

    And once again, its not only catholics who oppose this 'marriage concept' you talk about. But since you were precisely targeting "catholics" I guess you can't avoid talking about the bible that's fer sure.

    happy reading

  2. #82
    mga Homo panglupad mo sa Thailand. adto mo didto pakasal o bisag unsa inyo gusto buhaton way mo badlong ninyo didto!

  3. #83
    hasula ani oie.... hihihihihi

  4. #84
    C.I.A. godsaint's Avatar
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    same *** marriage?Immoral ,inhuman, abnormal behavior.

  5. #85
    reality check.. you are living in a country which culture is heavily influenced on Catholicism... then you ask why they are protesting?


  6. #86

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jollibee View Post
    DID i say catholics "CAN'T"? ... Im only saying i think its "Absurd" that we still have this mentality... All im trying to say is... respect other people's right to marry and if your not harmed or your rights being stepped-on on the process, then leave them be...
    So if that's the case why did you posted this topic? Is it because of your emotion? Or is it that you want to change things? But can you change Mans opinion if it is in his mentality to reject your opinion. And come to think of it it is not only you who thinks objecting gay marraige is absurd. Also when you tell people their mentality is absurd, isn't that offensive? Wouldn't they say that your absurd by telling them they're absurd?

  7. #87
    so the main purpose of this thread is to hopefully change people's negative outlook on SAME *** MARRIAGE? ooopss im outta here...hehehe

  8. #88
    Jobee..don't act like a homo. Religion plays a big part on our culture, it existed for thousands of years, also you can't please everyone.

  9. #89
    We also have to remember that the legalization of same-*** marriage DOES affect all of us. It will have a negative effect on heterosexual marriage.

    The reasons for accepting same-*** marriage (respect for choice, no effect on others, etc.) are the very same reasons used to justify other types of relationships as valid for marriage. The North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), for example, uses these arguments to justify pedophile relationships. It is also used to justify polygamy.

    If we accept these arguments for same-*** marriage, we will also have to accept other types of "marriages". What will stop someone from marrying his dog or his own daughter? Marriage will go down the drain and society will be disastrously affected.

    Even on purely practical and logical grounds, we must oppose the legalization of same-*** marriage

  10. #90
    @ thread starter: same ***-marriage is just wrong... we can't respect it because it is plainly wrong... cge, tungod cguro of religion mu oppose mi... but even if lahi2x ug relihiyon, mu oppose sa idea... can we respect drug addicts? no, caoz what they're doing is wrong... can we respect pedophiles? no, cause what they're doing is wrong... should we keep an open mind about same *** marriage? i say no, because it's just wrong.... Can't you see the consequences if this same *** marriage gets legalized? being gay is not their fault, but they should not embrace what is wrong...

  11.    Advertisement

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