Posting this for a friend - his contact number is 267-1818 or 255-6262 and look for Bobby
Selling at PhP99 per title
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other categories include health, management, self-help, fiction, business, etc. just contact my friend above (just introduced him to Istorya last night and he will continue with this post)....
sample titles under the financial management:
Financial Planning for the Utterly Confused (313 pages)
The Busy Family's Guide to Money
A Happy Pocket Full of Money (232 pages)
Rocking Wall Street - 4 Powerful Strategies That Shake Up the Way You Invest, Build Your Wealth (222 pages)
Retire Sooner, Retire Richer (247 pages)
Quick Steps to Financial Stability (191 pages)
The Maui Millionaires for Buisness (307 pages)
The 7 Deadly Sins of Investing (225 pages)
What Self-Made Millionaires Really Think, Know & Do (329 pages)
Free delivery within Metro Cebu for minimum of 3 titles
Order 3 titles now get one title free! promo ends August 15, 2008!