hehehe, hala sakto jud bro..
@bcasabee and baliguat, lamats bros!
salamat sad ninyo mga bro.. nindot man mo ika-istorya kay dili libog..
i dont believe that faith can only save us.. what if sayop diay to imo faith? sayop sad baya na di ka aware kung unsa ang truth!... so read the Bible.. live up God's words....repent....
For by grace you are saved through faith, and not of yourselves, it is God's gift. Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8,9
Salvation must be by grace. If man be lost by sin, how can he be saved except through the grace of God? If he has sinned, he is condemned; and how can he, of himself, reverse that condemnation? Suppose that he should keep the law all the rest of his life, he will then only have done what he was always bound to have done, and he will still be an unprofitable servant. What is to become of the past? How can old sins be blotted out? How can the old ruin be retrieved? According to Scripture, and according to common sense, salvation can only be through the free favour of God.
Salvation in the present tense must be by the free favor of God. Persons may contend for salvation by works, but you will not hear anyone support his own argument by saying, “I am myself saved by what I have done.” That would be a superfluity of naughtiness to which few men would go. Pride could hardly compass itself about with such extravagant boasting. No, if we are saved, it must be by the free favor of God. No one professes to be an example of the opposite view.
just do what is morally right... to me, what morally right means not hurting anyone...
kun wa mo malipay ana... aw inig kamatay nako luwason ko ug unicorn nga mugimaw sa langit
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