aihihihihihihih.. lageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh :P
hehehehehe... dugay sad ko naka sakop ni balut_man oi. hehehehehe...
ay shat ap ka dha balut.
maldito jud ka warned!!! rofl
nyahahaahahhaa... mga maldito ug maldita man gud tang tanan diri.. ako mana ko anang warned! shieeet! hahaha![]()
haha.. di ko anang pabadlong oi. i play it safe. blah. lol
oi death cab... minaw pud ko ani... na release na ila bag-o albumdiba sept. 20 pa man unta release date.. asa mo nka download?? hehe
play it safe twin hehehe lisud na kung ma warned.. di na ka virgin ana! hahaha :P
hah. the illusion of safety...this is the internet for chrissake.
keyser_soze, released na ila bag.o nga album. i would suggest u to listen to the track "what sarah said". the first time i listened to it my hair at the back of my neck stood up. that's really saying something because i dont have a lot of them at back of my neck...
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