Team Combat Elite Battle Unit [CEBU] was named champion on the first ever Mineski Grounds Call of Duty 4 Tournament.
here are the pix!

Team [CEBU] z3r0 XP: Audaz, Perennial, Dzeuk, Sch|zo, Bloodsh0t

The Tourney Ladder
Participating teams:
FNF, FNF-A, FNF-B, AlQaeda, KKK, H3F, CITIHOLE, Paradigm, Aztig and CEBU

Dzeuk and BloodSh0t

[CEBU] team during dinner waiting for the finals ladder match. Yes the Mcdo logo is more important it seems.

BloodSh0t, Sch|zo, Perennial, Dzeuk, Audaz

[FnF] core team

FnF core team receiving 2nd Place and FnF B receiving 3rd place prize.

Sharing the most valuable prize with team FnF: box of C2!!!

Audaz, Lon (mineski), Perennial, BloodSh0t.

receiving the prize money. me not included.. manin|yot ra tawn.

Look at BloodSh0t's facial reaction (maybe because he realized actual prize is only 5k LOL kidding!)

Receiving the "surprise gift" -- Anti-Flashbang goggles w00t!!! see it work in the next couple of pics!

Anti-Flashbang goggles at work!!!
Mineski Grounds gaming center:
crowd watching DoTA tourney: