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Let us not assume that Religion in its true form is an institution. Religion is afterall a relationship to that Trascendent (God or what have you). Such is why, people tend to miscontrue Spirituality as something more positive than religion.
The law of Causation begs the question, if we are afterall predetermined. The choices we make, are not ours but of some "higher self" which consequently affects our current situation. if we are predetermined, then there is no need to be moral.
Just my opinion:
Religion IS an institution wheras SPIRITUALITY is an idealogy
Religion is the path you took to achieve that spiritual goal you set for yourself
The spiritual goal is whether to transcend, to have a relationship with a Higher being/s
or another possible spiritual goal...is not to have a spiritual goal at all...just BE as it is.
That's where I think misconception lies.
And the confusion as well...it's hard to ascertain which path will take you to your soul's desires.
Law of Causation is not about predetestination
It just says that the very present was due to a previous cause/causes
by you, your environment, other beings, higher self
or from whom the source of that causation may come from...
In every second of our lives, there's always a choice
to think, say, or do something to alter a possible outcome
the possible outcome is neither good nor bad
it's your take on it ...depending on your world view and that makes it moral or not
eitherway, it makes us conscious of the things we do as we are conscious of the deeds of others
coz we know our actions affects others as much as we affect them!