Your works imply your faith or what you truly believe in.
The stuff decision is made of is belief. Yes, you may gather all the information you want, but unless you believe a piece of information is reliable, you will not consider it as "fact" or "truth", and you will not add it to your beliefs.
With a clear and desired goal in mind, work beliefs together to come up with a conclusion, then follows the decision.
Thus, decided (or rational) actions rest upon one's beliefs (which may take into account newer beliefs).
For example, Pedro and Juan, friends who are both quite verbal about their courage, are to cross a hanging bridge to get to the next barrio. Pedro believes the bridge is strong enough to carry them, so he proceeds to walk across it. Juan, however, does not believe it's strong enough and fears it will snap, causing him to plunge down the cliff. So he stays.
Pedro had to convince him (changed his belief) that it was okay, before Juan crossed the bridge as well.
It is the things we truly believe in, not the things we say we believe in, that determines what we end up doing.
(Hi Xaired, sorry, dili ni attempt to answer your question. I hope it helps to add to the topic, including your question.)