Okay, so naa najud ang results sa june 2008, meaning....
daghan na au mga unemployed nursing grads!, as if we weren't overflowing with nurses already... Kaluoy nlang sa mga unemployed nursing grads nga batch 2007 or 2006.... Luoy na au mi... Daghan na au ta mga pipz, so...
Let's look for jobs na uy! Problem is, mga hospitals wala ga hiring ron..

Well, maytag mag hiring na cla karon dayon uy! Right now! Right now!

This really isn't helping the nursing community, is it?
Anyway, which hospital ang nice? For experience-wise
and income-wise ba....
I already asked for the requirements of several hospitals but dili pa sila mu accept ug papers.. So... meaning...
Amazing race? Anyone? Paunhanay nlang ug hatag sa applications?