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Think about this for a moment:
Let's suppose God was eternally, completely and perfectly satisfied with the work of Christ on the cross for our complete salvation. It is done. It is finished. We dont add to anything that has perfectly, eternally and completely satisfied God. What remains to be done on our part? Nothing, except to be satisfied with it also by faith.
Those who believe that the work of Christ on the cross has eternally, perfectly and completely satisfied God with regards to our salvation believe that salvation is through faith alone. But those who believe that the work of Christ on the cross was not complete and perfect say that it is not through faith alone.
you mean bro that the time said "its done" it means that we don't have to do anything because CHRIST did it already?
so what's the purpose of Christ statement in Matthew 28:19-20 "teach them to observe/follow things I've commanded..."?
do you know what is done in the statement of CHRIST?
is it salvation or is it the prophecy concerning to HIM that He should fulfill?
lets talk by the verses of the bible.
what is the purpose of Prophecy? and how would you know if that prophecy is from GOD?